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Claycorp edited this page Sep 2, 2014 · 1 revision

Item will give the target an amount of one item. If they have no room the items will just fall to the ground.

How to make this reward.

  1. Pick the item you want to spawn.
  2. Now hold the item with the amount you want to spawn in the players hand and click "Import item you are holding ingame!"
    NOTE: Using the button will give EXACTLY what you hold. If you want more edit "Count": "BYTE:" to match the quantity you want.


This will give you 64 Cookies.

JSON breakdown

"id": "SHORT:"

This is the ID of the item. If you have Not Enough Items (NEI) installed this is the number after the name of the item.
NOTE: If the item uses metadata (AKA "Damage") it comes after a colon (:) DO NOT ADD IT HERE! Put this number goes in "Damage": "SHORT:" instead.

"Damage": "SHORT:"

This is where the number after the colon (:) will go. This number can have many different effects depending on what mods are installed.
Some examples of what this would be used for.

  • Durability on tools/armor
  • Items like colored wool, dye, planks, logs, saplings.
  • Charges held inside an item.
"Count": "BYTE:"

Count is the quantity of the item to be spawned.
CRASH/LAG WARNING: If the player can not hold any more items they are DROPPED on the ground. YOU CAN CRASH OR LAG with large numbers of items.

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