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Created map by using hector_slam

Devitt Dmitry edited this page Mar 30, 2018 · 3 revisions

Hector_map is a SLAM approach that can be used without odometry as well as on platforms that exhibit roll/pitch motion (of the sensor, the platform or both).

1. Set up hector param located this file:

rosed rc_bringup mapping_default.launch

Description of the parameters are on the official page

2. To created a map, you need to run:

roslaunch rc_bringup create_map.launch

This is .launch file includes rc_remote, tf and hector settings.
Moving through the room via remote control to create a map.
If you open rviz you will see a map

3. Save map
When you are satisfied with the map, run the following command of map_server:

rosrun map_server map_saver [-f mapname]

map_saver retrieves map data and writes it out to map.pgm and map.yaml. Use the -f option to provide a different base name for the output files.

rosrun map_server map_saver -f mymap

4. Add created map to launch

Set the path in the desired map to the file: rc_car_ros/rc_bringup/launch/bringup.launch

like this

  <arg name="map_file" default="$(find rc_bringup)/map/laba.yaml"/>