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Instrument Control Drop in Session

David Keymer edited this page Apr 14, 2021 · 82 revisions

Next Session

  • Date: 22/4/2021
  • Time: 14:00
  • Place: Zoom VC
  • Host: David


The idea behind a drop-in session is very simple:

  • At regular intervals (once a month), one member of the Computing Controls Group will be available, in a meeting room, for 1 hour
    • Members of the Experiment Computing Controls team take it turn to be the host of the “drop-in” session
  • During that 1 hour, any scientist (or a support technician) can drop-in to seek advice or ask questions about IBEX.
  • If scientists or technicians turn up to ask questions, that's fine - we try to answer the questions. If no-one turns up, that's also fine.
    • The Computing Controls person should take a laptop, so that they can:
      1. Demonstrate problems/solutions to scientists
      2. Do some work if nobody turns up
  • The Computing Controls person will try to answer questions during the session.
    • If this is not possible, the question can be answered off-line.
    • The Computing Controls person should also gather any feedback, suggestions, etc. and feed these back to the rest of the Computing Controls Group
  • We should alternate sessions between R3 (convenient for scientists) and R80 (convenient for technicians)
  • Scientists have suggested that holding these sessions in the afternoon is more convenient (because experiment handovers usually take place in the morning).

Future Timetable

This host should book the room and invite Instrument Scientists and Support Technicians (see Process for Host). The dates below are suggested dates - they can be adjusted to suit cycles and other events. If you can't make a particular date, just arrange to swap with someone and update the table below.

Date Time Location Host
08/03/2021 14:00 PM Location JH
22/04/2021 14:00 Zoom DK
dd/05/2021 HH:MM PM Location DO
dd/06/2021 HH:MM PM Location TL
dd/07/2021 HH:MM PM Location JK
dd/08/2021 HH:MM PM Location CC
dd/09/2021 HH:MM PM Location AL
dd/10/2021 HH:MM PM Location BR
dd/11/2021 HH:MM PM Location KB
dd/12/2021 HH:MM PM Location FA

Process for Host

  1. 1 Month before
    • Create a room booking for the given time
    • Send a calendar invitation to ISIS Instrument Scientists + Others outlook address (see below for draft message), make sure you use the subject: Experiment Controls Drop-In Session. Also on the response options for the meeting (which only appears after you have added attendees), deselect the request responses and allow new time proposals options so we don't get flooded with meeting replies. Don't expand the ISIS Instrument Scientists + Others item in the attendees list, but click on the icon at the side and change them from required to optional attendees.
  2. 2 weeks before
    • Send a reminder email
  3. On the day
    • Send a reminder email

Draft email/meeting invitation

Header: Experiment Controls Drop-In Session


Hello all,

I would like to invite you to the next scheduled instrument control drop-in session. There will be a member of the team in the location on the date referenced below to listen to any questions, concerns or feedback relating to the IBEX and SECI control systems.

When: Insert date and time here

Where: Insert location here

Look forward to seeing you there!

Insert Hostname here

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