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Call client life cycle

Marco Brescianini edited this page May 28, 2020 · 10 revisions

The BandyerSDK call client is the component responsible for establishing and managing the connection to the Bandyer platform. It's one of the fundamental component of the SDK, and you should have a good understanding about its life cycle and the events it fires to notify its state changes.

Table of contents

Life cycle

The life cycle of the BandyerSDK call client is simple and straightforward, you should have little to no problem grasping it. The call client can be seen as a very small finite state machine. It begins its life cycle in the stopped state, transitions to the starting state when you ask it to start and it moves to the running state when it has successfully connected with the Bandyer platform. While in the running state, the call client can place outgoing calls, receive incoming calls, and it can handle the state of any ongoing call. Whereas, while in any other state, it can't do such things, so outgoing calls cannot be started, incoming calls won't be received, and so on. Easy peasy. The call client has some other intermediate states it can transition to, which you have to take care of. When your app goes in background, the call client is paused automatically, closing any connection to Bandyer platform (unless there's a call in progress), and it resumes automatically when your app returns in foreground. As you might expect, while in those states the call client cannot perform any task, nor it can receive incoming calls (unless you have integrated VoIP notifications in your app). You don't have to explicitly pause or resume the call client when your app goes in background or returns in the active state, we'll take care of it for you, but you must check the client state and make sure it is running, before asking it to perform any task, otherwise you'll get a failure.

State changes

In order to be notified about call client state changes, you can and you should subscribe as a call client observer conforming to the BCXCallClientObserver protocol. This protocol contains a list of optional method you can implement to be notified about call client state changes. The following code listing will show you how to subscribe as an observer to the call client:

- (void)subscribeAsCallClientObserver
    [BandyerSDK.instance.callClient addObserver:self queue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
func subscribeAsCallClientObserver() {
    BandyerSDK.instance().callClient.add(observer: self, queue: .main)

There are two things to notice here. First, the call client will keep a weak reference to its observers, so if you keep a strong reference the call client you can safely add the client owning object as an observer and you won't get a retain cycle. Second, the call client has two method overloads for adding an object as an observer, the first method is addObserver: (add(observer:)) in swift) the second one is addObserver:queue: (add(observer:queue:)) in swift) (the former is just a convenience method that will call the latter providing a nil queue reference), as stated in our code documentation if you provide a nil queue as the second argument of the addObserver:queue:, your observer will be called synchronously on a background private queue, whereas if you provide a queue as the second argument in the method call, the observer will be called asynchronously on the queue you provided. You must take that into account if you manipulate your UI from one of the observer protocol method.

Incoming calls

The BCXCallClientObserver protocol lists one method that is not related to call client state changes, this method is callClient:didReceiveIncomingCall: (callClient(_, didReceiveIncomingCall:) in swift). This method will be called whenever an incoming call is received. You must implement that method if you want to be notified about incoming calls. This method will be called even when an incoming call is received through a VoIP notification.

Start / Stop

Before the call client can perform any task, you must start it. The call client provides the start: method (start(_) in swift) you must call once the BandyerSDK has been initialized. This method has one parameter which represent the "user_alias" of the currently logged user in your app. Once the call client notifies your observer that has started running you can perform any task, like starting an outgoing call. Remember also to stop the client when you log out your user or your app is going to be terminated.

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