Releases: Luos-io/luos_engine
Luos Engine 3.0.0
Pyluos version ≥ 3.0.0
What's new:
🆕 Features:
#444: Allow synchronized network to bypass differential timestamping management. @nicolas-rabault
#428: Any kind of Network is now supported, you can make your own. @nicolas-rabault
#429: Multiple simultaneous network is now supported. You can give multiple networks and Luos will use all of them at the same time to synchronize different services across different networks. @nicolas-rabault
#435: Add a user dedicated pointer in services allowing to reference specific service structs. @nicolas-rabault
#435: Luos_engine is now completely independent from Robus. @nicolas-rabault
#435: Luos_engine filter service sources avoiding intruders or excluded service to reach a target. @nicolas-rabault
🆕 Added:
#442: Add a Serial network management for every supported target and any native configuration. @nicolas-rabault
#435: Code coverage measurement on unit tests @nicolas-rabault
🆕 Changed:
#435: New function naming and configuration, please refer to the documentation @nicolas-rabault
#435: Object Dictionary structures now have a raw access allowing to perform computation with value without unit consideration. @nicolas-rabault
🛠️ Fix:
#229: Fix double detection process occurring at the same time. @nicolas-rabault
Please choose the relevant options:
Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
This change requires a documentation update
Luos Engine 2.9.2
Luos Engine 2.9.1
Pyluos version ≥ 2.2.12
What's new:
🛠️ Fix:
- #433: Fix No-board projects compilation. By JeromeGalan
Pyluos version ≥ 2.2.12
What's new:
🆕 Features:
- #422: Make it work on any OS. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #422: Make it directly compatible with platformio (just click on test and it's working). By Nicolas-Rabault
- #422: Add a TRY CATCH method on unit test allowing to check ASSERT conditions. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #422: Big unit-test cleanup for future improvements. By Nicolas-Rabault
Native part 2:
- #291: Add mongoose management on native HAL allowing to use Webocket. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #291: Add a python broker on examples managing multiple binaries data exchange. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #291: Clean and improve native examples. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #291: Add a multi player ping pong game as example. By BiliouriV and Nicolas-Rabault
- #291: Create a docker environment for the ping pong game to simplify compilation and use. By K0rdan
Object Dictionary (OD):
- #295: Change OD to be more strict and generate compilation error in case of dangerous usage. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #295: Update every example to properly use OD. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #295: Add unit test for every OD. By Nicolas-Rabault
🆕 Added:
- #291: Add HAL_loop function for future HAL improvements. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #291: [Gate] Add an optional GATE_REFRESH_TIME_S configuration disabling the refresh rate auto-scaling. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #291: Create a thread lock unlock mutex macro and use it to avoid data race due to multi-threading environment. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #204: Assert Json are generated on Pipe instead of Gate increasing chances to get back a failure on the pyluos side. By Nicolas-Rabault
🛠️ Fix:
- #415: Add a critical argument on reception filtering function to make it IRQ ready. By Salem-Tho
- #416: Make bootloader 64-bit machine compliant. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #419: [ESP32]Go back to an old build system avoiding bugged compiler. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #420: Update selftest to properly work with the latest Luos revisions. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #291: Fix native systick measure presice ms. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #291: Add some sanity assert. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #291: Fix the assert macro. By JeromeGalan
- #430: Fix a small led_strip example data size mistake. By Nicolas-Rabault
- #234: Fix a major header reception mistakes that can lead to multiple reception of the same message due to a lack of Acknoledgement. By Nicolas-Rabault
🆕 Features:
ESP 32:
- #294: Web socket pipe for WS HAL ESP32_IDF. By Salem-Tho
- #294: Web socket pipe for WS HAL ESP32_ARDUINO. By Salem-Tho
- #406: Serial pipe for HAL ESP32_IDF. By Salem-Tho
- #272: Bootloader Updater for NUCLEO-F072RB. By BiliouriV
- #272: Bootloader Updater for NUCLEO-F410RB. By BiliouriV
- #272: Bootloader Updater for NUCLEO-F401RE. By BiliouriV
- #272: Bootloader Updater for NUCLEO-G431KB. By BiliouriV
- #272: Bootloader Updater for NUCLEO-G474RE. By BiliouriV
- #272: Bootloader Updater for NUCLEO-L073RZ. By BiliouriV
- #272: Bootloader Updater for NUCLEO-L432KC. By BiliouriV
- #272: Bootloader Updater for STM32F4-discovery. By BiliouriV
- #272: Bootloader Updater for STM32L4-discovery. By BiliouriV
- #272: Bootloader Updater for l0. By BiliouriV
🆕 Added:
- #294: [ESP32]Gate example for WS HAL ESP32_ARDUINO. By Salem-Tho
- #294: [ESP32]Gate example for WS HAL ESP32_IDF. By Salem-Tho
- #406: [ESP32] Gate Serialcom example with HAL ESP32_IDF. By [Salem-Tho]((
- #406: [ESP32 SDK] Update config to optimize project. By [Salem-Tho]((
- #402: [Gate bootloader messages] Luos header target protection depending on node id. By BiliouriV
🛠️ Fix:
- #294: [ESP32] HAL IRQ for ESP32C3. By Salem-Tho
- #294: [ESP32] Cast define for ESP32C3. By Salem-Tho
- #397: [Bootloader] NUCLEO-L0 vector in RAM rsvd. By BiliouriV
- #399: [Bootloader] IRQ Handler for NUCLEO-G431KB. By BiliouriV
- #235: [Timeout] Increase Robus Ack default timeout. By Salem-Tho
- #406: [Typo] Button project. By Salem-Tho
- #408: [Large data] Remove a patch for large data ack. By Salem-Tho
Luos engine version 2.7.0
Changelog Luos Engine 2.7.0
- Pyluos version ≥ 2.2.8
- Luos_engine library
- Libraries for Arduino environment only:
- Luos_engine,
- Luos Gate,
- Luos Pipe,
- Luos Inspector
What's new:
🆕 Feature #281: [Native] Luos engine works on NATIVE environment (Windows / Mac / Linux) without any board ## Nico 🤙 🆕 Feature #290: [Native] Services "gate", "pipe", and "button" can be used with pyluos for the Get Started ## Nico 🤙 🆕 Feature #352: [Multicast Bootloader] Bootloader multicast upload binary ## Vik#1501
🆕 Added #363: [Bootloader] Update Gate boot responses ## Vik#1501 🆕 Added #363: [Bootloader] Subscribe to topic after BOOTLOADER_START reception ## Vik#1501 🆕 Added #363: [Gate] Bootloader messages multicast management ## Vik#1501 🆕 Added #363: [Topic] Handle service parameter with null value ## Vik#1501 🆕 Added #280: [Native HAL] Add HAL for native ## Nico 🤙 🆕 Added #280: [Native Messages] Fake messages send trough native HAL ## Nico 🤙 🆕 Added #280: [Web Socket] Support Native platform with socket communication ## Nico 🤙 🆕 Added #280: [Web Socket] Add Dockerfile for Websocket ## Kordan#0587 🆕 Added #280: [Web Socket] Warning on websocket disconnection ## Jerome_AQua_Man 🆕 Added #280: [Pipe] Add an optional "" call ## Nico 🤙 🆕 Added #280: [Gate] Add a Native gate web socket example ## Nico 🤙 🆕 Added #280: [LED with Native] Add Led example for native ## Nico 🤙 🆕 Added #280: [Button with Native] Add Button example for native ## Nico 🤙 🆕 Added #280: [ASCII Button for Native] Native button display with ASCII Art ## Nico 🤙 🆕 Added #280: [Button with Native] Add an exit function to button service ## Jerome_AQua_Man 🆕 Added #280: [Telemetry] Adapt telemetry to work with native configuration ## Nico 🤙 🆕 Added #280: [Unit tests] Update weak attributes to deal with native ## Jerome_AQua_Man
🛠️ Fix #392: [Service exclusion] [Auto updates] Stop auto updates for excluded services ## Vik#1501 🛠️ Fix #392: [Service exclusion] [Transmission] Keep dead service ID after 10 retries ## Vik#1501
Luos engine version 2.6.4
Changelog Luos Engine 2.6.4
- Pyluos version ≥ 2.2.6
- Luos_engine library
- Luos_engine library for Arduino environment
- Luos Gate library for Arduino environment
- Luos Pipe library for Arduino environment
- Luos Inspector library for Arduino environment
What's new:
🆕 Added #382: [Bootloader] Add mode WITH_BOOTLOADER to jump to bootlaoder when application asserts. ## Nico 🤙#1209 🆕 Added #382: [Bootloader] An application is considered safe after 3 luos loop execution. ## Nico 🤙#1209
🆕 Changed #387: [ESP 32] Update Gate project. ## Salem#3488 🆕 Changed #387: [ESP 32] Update LED example project. ## Salem#3488 🆕 Changed #387: [ESP 32] Update Button example project. ## Salem#3488 🆕 Changed #390: [Gate] Improve JSON parsing efficiency. ## Nico 🤙#1209
🛠️ Fix #386: [ESP 32] Fix HAL to avoid stack overflow. ## Salem#3488 🛠️ Fix #381: [Bootloader] Reboot in bootloader mode when a corrupted application is flashed. ## Nico 🤙#1209
Luos engine version 2.6.3
Changelog Luos Engine 2.6.3
- Pyluos version ≥ 2.2.4
What's new:
🛠️ Fix #377: [Robus HAL] Fix a variable assignation for STM32F0 ## Salem#3488 🛠️ Fix #379: [Button project] Fix PTP pinouts initialisation for STM32-F072RB ## Salem#3488
## **Packages:** - Luos_engine library - Luos_engine library for **Arduino** environment - Luos **Gate** library for **Arduino** environment - Luos **Pipe** library for **Arduino** environment - Luos **Inspector** library for **Arduino** environment
Luos engine version 2.6.2
Changelog Luos Engine 2.6.2
- Pyluos version ≥ 2.2.4
What's new:
🆕 Added #358: [Config] Add a PIPE_CONFIG definition to modify pipe pinout in node_config.h file ## Salem#3488 🆕 Added #358: [Pipe] Separate sending from creating Tx message with PipeCom_SerialSend ## Nico 🤙#1209 🆕 Added #367: [Robus HAL] Add a hardware Rx enable for stm32 MCU family ## Salem#3488 🆕 Added #372: [Robus Doc] Add description for PTP and reception machine state ## Salem#3488 🆕 Added #356: [Telemetry] Add project path to the list of information transmitted by telemetry ## Nico _🤙#1209 🆕 Added #356: [Telemetry] Add an error management for telemetry if a request fail occurs ## Nico _🤙#1209
🆕 Changed #358: [Pipe] Independent protocol between pipe physical layer ## Salem#3488 🆕 Changed #358: [Pipe] Reset Pipe Usart before reinit ## Salem#3488 🆕 Changed #358: [Pipe] Reset DMA channel before reinit ## Salem#3488 🆕 Changed #358: [Pipe] Simplify Tx messages creation process ## Salem#3488 🆕 Changed #358: [Cleaning] Remove useless specific pipe for L4S5 ## Salem#3488 🆕 Changed #367: [Robus] Reset TX_lock after end of transmission ## Salem#3488 🆕 Changed #367: [Robus] Execute transmit process function each time user tries to send ## Salem#3488
🛠️ Fix #323: [Pipe] Serial messages not received ## Salem#3488 🛠️ Fix #290: [Pipe] Apply serial protocol only for serial communications ## Nico 🤙#1209 🛠️ Fix #373: [Serial Pipe] Fix data size computing for ring buffer management ## vik#1501 🛠️ Fix #367: [Robus HAL] Check "Tx complete" interrupt after ACK in DMA mode ## Salem#3488 🛠️ Fix #369: [Bootloader] Gate stops sending void messages with bootloader ## vik#1501 🛠️ Fix #264: [Undefined Gate] Remove unused path in project config to fix a warning ## Jerome_AQua_Man#5076 🛠️ Fix #355: [Code cleaning] Delete REV references ## Salem#3488 🛠️ Fix #355: [Code cleaning] Remove unwanted mongoose lib ## Jerome_AQua_Man#5076 🛠️ Fix #375: [Code cleaning] Fix broken links in ## Nico 🤙#120
- Luos_engine library
- Luos_engine library for Arduino environment
- Luos Gate library for Arduino environment
- Luos Pipe library for Arduino environment
- Luos Inspector library for Arduino environment
Luos engine version 2.6.1
Changelog Luos Engine 2.6.1:
- Pyluos version >= 2.2.4
What's new:
🆕 Added #351: [ESP 32] Gate project for ESP 32
🆕 Changed: [Cleaning] Misc cleaning on project configs
🆕 Changed : [Gate] Adapt sprintf when converting Json to Luos message for ESP32 ninja compilation
🛠️ Fix #349: [ESP 32] Fix compilation errors on ESP 32
🛠️ Fix #347: [Barometer] Fix platformio.ini for compiling Barometer project
- Luos_engine library
- Luos_engine library for Arduino environment
- Luos Gate library for Arduino environment
- Luos Pipe library for Arduino environment
- Luos Inspector library for Arduino environment