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Releases: NoImageAvailable/CombatRealism

Final update

08 May 12:30
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  • Added armor penetration stat to melee weapons, influenced by quality and stuff type
  • Added weight/bulk stats to melee weapons
  • Removed sharp damage multiplier from stuff types, instead they influence armor penetration now
  • Removed gold and silver from stuffs weapons can be made off


  • LMG: reduced market value, work to make
  • Increased weapon money for mercenary gunner pawnkind
  • Removed the massive vanilla stat penalties from parka, added small amount of worn bulk instead
  • Rebalanced weapon damage from vanilla values


  • Fixed triple and doomsday rocket launcher errors

Turret update

06 May 00:15
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Turret update Pre-release


  • Added more in-depth loadout AI: pawns will prioritize updating their loadout depending on work settings, proximity, fill percent and other factors
  • Pawns now aggressively remove items not part of their assigned loadout from their inventory, items are dropped and hauled to nearest storage as soon as the current job is finished, equipped weapons are unequipped if they're not part of the loadout
  • Disabled automatic meal pickup for pawns
  • Re-added improvised turret: changed name to auto-turret, requires automated turret research to unlock and is crafted at machining table, added hold fire toggle and ammunition requirement
  • Pawns with the hauling job enabled will automatically reload auto-turrets whenever they are below 25% capacity or haven't fired for one minute real-time
  • Mortars have been consolidated into one 81mm mortar
  • Mortar can switch dynamically between HE, incendiary and EMP shells
  • Added new loading bench for crafting ammo
  • Added new arrow types, steel and plasteel tipped for improved armor penetration


  • Increased HP for torso
  • Various balance changes to tribal weapons
  • Increased cost of ammo by about a third, change affects both market value and crafting recipes
  • Reduced stack counts for certain larger ammo types
  • Rebalanced LMG stats based on DPM machine gun, since that is the closest match to the ingame sprite
  • Rebalanced recoil patterns, recoil now grows exponentially instead of linear
  • Increased warmup on Centipede weapons, decreased warmup on grenades
  • Slightly reduced base damage of various charge weapons
  • Misc rebalance


  • Fixed traders selling ammo for $0.50 a piece
  • Fixed trade price rounding, price is now rounded in favor of the trader (i.e. on a buying transaction final price is rounded up, on selling rounded down)
  • Fixed traders not buying certain types of ammo
  • Fixed raiders not switching weapons when out of ammo
  • Misc fixes

Defence Pack

  • Added new graphic for embrasures
  • Fully integrated ammo system into turrets
  • Added aim and fire modes to manned turrets
  • Added crafting recipes and research requirements for producing turrets at the machining table

Revenge of the Fixes

28 Apr 09:39
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Revenge of the Fixes Pre-release


  • Added recipe for crafting binoculars
  • Added Prometheum and FSX to bulk goods traders


  • Rebalanced thermobaric weapons: reduced raw damage and area of effect, increased damage against structures, deal drastically increased damage on direct hit


  • Fixed hunters with no ammo producing errors
  • Fixed hunters refilling inventory after every reload
  • Fixed misc bugs related to pawns trying to continue their previous job after a reload
  • Fixed various graphical issues with tactical vest and backpack
  • Fixed fire modes not working after save and reload
  • Fixes to tribal weapons and inferno cannon
  • Misc fixes

More fixes

26 Apr 22:29
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More fixes Pre-release


  • Increased amount of damage structures take from explosions and gunfire
  • Misc rebalance


  • Fixed Social tab not displaying
  • Fixed savegame corruption due to loadout manager
  • Misc fixes

Bug fixes

26 Apr 13:08
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Bug fixes Pre-release


  • Rimfire patch: added new fragmentation grenade for RPG-7. You don't need to redownload the Rimfire patch, simply updating CR to 1.6.1 is enough
  • Added bar under colonists displaying reload progress


  • Ammo crafting work amount quadrupled
  • Added arrow/great arrow crafting to all workstations that allow crafting bows/great bows
  • Fragmentation from explosives rebalanced, higher hit chance, lower damage, higher damage variance
  • Slightly nerfed EMP explosives
  • Reduced bulk and weight on neolithic weapons
  • Reduced bulk on meals
  • Reduced bulk and weight on raw foods
  • Birdshot does slightly less damage, more spread
  • Incendiary launcher: reduced incendiary launcher explosion radius for incendiary and thermobaric rounds, reduced thermobaric damage, allowed targeting ground
  • Made grenades require manual fire command (same as doomsday/triple rocket launcher)


  • Fixed faulty default loadout name
  • Fixed taming job not respecting inventory limits
  • Fixed picked up items vanishing
  • Fixed weapons sometimes vanishing on switching to sidearm
  • Fixed pila and grenade stacks not contributing to weight/bulk
  • Fixed error when unequipping weapon mid-reload
  • Fixed error with loadout manager not accounting for currently equipped weapon
  • Fixed one-use weapons not self-destructing properly
  • Incendiary launcher: fixed incendiary ammo not spawning fire properly and foam ammo not being recognized


25 Apr 19:51
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Ammunition Pre-release

New Additions

  • Added new inventory system, pawns have maximum carry weight and inventory capacity (bulk)
  • Items have weight and bulk stats
  • Having high weight/bulk gives penalties to move/work speed
  • Apparel has worn weight and bulk stats, most items are weight-/bulkless while worn but things like armor vests will still weigh you down
  • Added tactical vest, backpack which can be worn on top of most other apparel and increase inventory capacity
  • Added new loadout manager akin to outfit manager
  • Assigning loadouts to pawns makes them automatically fill up their inventory with the selected items
  • Firearms use ammunition
  • Firearms can switch between different types of ammunition with different stats
  • Ammunition can be bought from combat suppliers and pirate merchants or crafted at the machining table
  • Added Prometheum resource for crafting incendiary ammo
  • Added Blazebulb plant which yields Prometheum but ignites at temperatures above 21°C
  • Added FSX resource for crafting explosives
  • Boomalopes can be milked for FSX
  • Added new hold fire aim mode to stop pawns from shooting entirely

Balancing Changes

  • Rebalanced power armor, gives large boost to carry weight as well as boosts shooting stats when worn
  • Rebalanced most projectiles and weapons
  • Suppression builds faster
  • Pawns can't use aimed shot while suppressed
  • Misc changes to the armor system
  • Misc balance changes


  • Misc fixes


  • Temporarily disabled auto-turrets until ammo for turrets is implemented

Known issues

  • Tactical vest and backpack occasionally exhibit z-fighting
  • Pilum displays wrong graphics
  • Formatting issues with pawn gear tab and loadout editor

Great Rebalancing

20 Mar 13:13
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New Additions:

  • Reloading now stores previous assignments, so if you tell a pawn to shoot something, they'll keep doing it after reload is complete
  • Added new firing modes mechanic, can toggle between single/burst/auto fire and aimed/snapshot
  • Added artillery spotting, mortars now incur heavy accuracy penalty when doing indirect fire. To negate either place mortar where operator can see the target (must be within 107 cells and have direct line of sight) or use binoculars to mark targets for shelling.
  • Added proper tooltip for displaying weapon accuracy to replace obsolete vanilla one
  • Added various gun stats to info tab and expanded stat descriptions to explain what they do in more detail
  • Added various internal body parts to Mechanoids that act similarly to human/animal organs and are only vulnerable to weapons that can penetrate Mechanoid outer armor

Balancing changes:

  • Changed the formula for shooting XP gain, XP is now dependent on time spent aiming and firing rather than a fixed value per burst
  • Manned turrets now take into account the shooting skill of the pawn manning them and give shooting XP accordingly
  • Uncapped bleed rates, now pawns can have overall bleed rates exceeding 100%. Organ wounds rebalanced to cause death from bleedout very quickly without immediate medical assistance.
  • Various assorted balance changes to stats, mechanics, etc.


  • Misc bugfixes

Defence Pack:

  • Added new sound to AGS-30
  • Added new KPV heavy machine gun turret
  • Replaced cannon turret with flak turret