Workaround for random crashes when scanning uncertain barcodes
Fixed a rare issue with decoding of pdf417 barcodes (when barcode last element was of type byte)
Fixed issue with callback
not being called -
More internal header files are now part of the API. This makes creation of custom UI easier.
Fixed crashing on some iOS8 devices caused by AVFoundation video callback change
Added scanning and data extracting of US Drivers licenses. To scan USDL, use the following initialization setting:
// Set YES/NO for scanning US drivers license barcode standards (default YES, if available by license) [coordinatorSettings setValue:@(YES) forKey:kPPRecognizeUSDLKey];
USDL results are returned as PPUSDLResult object. See a separate document DriversLicenses for information how to obtain data from USDL barcodes.