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Häfner edited this page May 1, 2021 · 2 revisions

The scenegraph is a tree structure, the main structure that organises the whole virtual scene. The tree structure defines transformation hirachies. Children nodes transformation are defined in the local coordinate system of their parent. The scenegraph also defines the influence of light nodes. Lights are defined by two nodes, a light node and a lightbeacon. The Light node contains the parameter of the lightsource and its children are the nodes lit by that light. The lightbeacon can be anywhere in the grapoh and only defines the position and orientation of the light. Another type of node is the LOD node, its children are mapped to distances used to switch between them. The group nodes are synced within the same group.

The basic node is the object node, it does not do much. The transform node acts as a homogenous matrix that transforms the geometries below. All nodes inherit from object and some from transform.

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