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Ending System

Coryf88 edited this page Jul 3, 2022 · 3 revisions

All good things must come to an end, and of course, so does your own mission. Having a session ending abruptly and without any flavor can leave a bad taste in your players, especially after a long play-through with lots of investment. In order to tackle that, the Framework includes an interesting and intuitive Ending System, which includes settings and an ending screen.

Keep in mind that the ending system is very self-sufficient and doesn't require any changes to function.

Endings List

Let's take a look at the default endings included at mission\settings\endings.sqf

At first, we will find the Victory ending, the default ending which will happen whenever the regular player side manages to finish a mission.

case "victory": 
    _winningSides = [side_a_side];
    _losingSides = [side_b_side, side_c_side];
    _showStats = true;
    _title = "Mission completed!";
    _reason = "%1 have completed all their objectives!";
    _endNumber = 1;

Let's break this down.

  • "case victory" refers to the name of the ending, in this case, "victory". The used names can be changed in mission/settings/mission-settings.sqf.
  • _winningSides contains the sides which won the mission.
  • _losing Sides contains those who didn't.
  • _showStats will determine if mission status will be shown in the ending screen.
  • _title the ending screen title.
  • _reason a sort of sub-title, which supports a few cool tricks. "%1" will be changed into the winner faction name, "%2" the loser faction, and "%3" into the victory margin, if you're playing a TvT.
  • _endNumber refers to your ending number, see \missions\objective\debriefing.sqf.
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