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Mission Settings

Coryf88 edited this page Jan 18, 2020 · 3 revisions


The Framework constitutes of a set of highly customizable scripts, which are to be fine tuned by the Mission Maker in order to achieve his or her's desired scenario. With that in mind, the structure is designed entirely to be controlled by a very small set of files, in which most of the customizing will go. In this page, we'll cover the Mission Settings file, where the general settings of the Mission will be delineated.

You can find the file at:


Let's now go over each one of them.

It's worth noting these settings are each documented within the file itself - when in doubt, just check them for reference!


Credits and version

This will show players in your credits and everywhere else relevant who is the author of the mission; in case multiple authors exist, just add them to the array.

["Nife", "Royal", "Knite", "nigel"]

The mission version, well, is the version of your mission.

Mission Gamemode

A bit of an overlooked feature for those interested in the Framework, the Mission Gamemode will switch all relevant plugins and bits of code to adapt themselves to fit within the scenario, enabling the possibility to radically switch its premise.

Valid arguments are:

"coop" - Used for missions where players will be fighting exclusively AI.

"tvt" - For "Team Versus Team" missions, where players fight other players but with no AI at all.

"cotvt" - In scenarios where players will fight both AI and other players.

Loadout Mode

Very simple: this enables a switch for whenever you want players or AI to wear its default loadout gear without anything on the way.

Player Information

This is a pretty important part of the mission, so don't miss it. Here you will be able to edit the following.

side_X_side - The Framework is designed to be agnostic and non-assuming as possible, on missions for all factions and sides. With that in mind, we use not OPFOR or BLUFOR, but rather three "sides", A B and C. Side A represents the default player faction, Side B represents the enemy faction in a TvT, and Side C is the odd one out for missions where three groups are involved.

side_X_color - Is the color of the faction, used mostly for setup zones and ending screens.

side_X_faction - The faction name of the units, used for the loadout scripts.

side_X_name - The name of the faction, mostly only noticeable on ending screens.

side_X_callsigns - These are callsigns assigned to all sides, compatible with most roster/ORBAT related scripts. Customize them as you wish.

  • Razor for Recon
  • Sierra for Sniper
  • Wizard for Weapons
  • Shocker for Explosives
  • Paradise for Medical Teams
  • Meteor for Mortar Team
  • Lancer for LAVs
  • Titan for Tanks
  • Havoc for Helicopters
  • Pegasus for Jet Pilots

OPFOR has mostly animal names based on CSAT naming standards, INDFOR however I named them as girls because I thought it was cool. Sue me.

DAC Settings

These determine which side the INDFOR DAC units will be friendly to. Leave them to the same side as your editor settings. 0: EAST, 1: WEST, 2: Nobody.


The Framework has the in-built functionality to force players to Extract back to certain points before ending the scenario if the mission maker so desires. As with all the things in the Framework, it's very easy to customize:

mission_require_extraction - Determines which sides must extract after finishing their main objectives.

mission_extraction_points_X - Objects where the players must go to after finishing the mission. Any object might be used, but Game Logics work the best. Name these objects as "blu/op/ind_extraction_N" and all relevant markers will be created automatically.

mission_extraction_enable_music and mission_extraction_tracks - Do you want some music playing during the Extraction? If so, let the game know which here, and it will choose one randomly.

mission_extraction_X - As long as they are slotted, these groups must ALL extract in order for it to be considered successful.


Even the great Missions you'll make must come to an end. With that in mind, the Framework has an in-built Ending System where it can handle from TvT victory results to counting the mission casualties. For more, see the Endings page.

(COOP) Objectives completed.

endings_victory = "victory";

(COOP) Critical objective failed.

endings_defeat = "defeat";

(COOP) Max number of civies killed.

endings_civilians_killed = "defeat";

(COOP) Time limit reached.

endings_time_over = "defeat";

(TVT) Maximum casualties reached - default TVT ending!

endings_tvt_auto = "tvt_end";

(TVT) Side A wins the mission.

endings_tvt_side_a_victory = "side_a_victory";

(TVT) Side B wins the mission.

endings_tvt_side_b_victory = "side_b_victory";

(TVT) Side C wins the mission.

endings_tvt_side_c_victory = "side_c_victory";

(TVT) Side A wins the mission.

endings_tvt_side_a_defeat = "side_a_defeat";

(TVT) Side B wins the mission.

endings_tvt_side_b_defeat = "side_a_defeat";

(TVT) Side C wins the mission.

endings_tvt_side_c_defeat = "side_a_defeat";

Allow JIP

Don't bother trying to guess this one: turning this off will stop JIPs from joining the mission - particularly useful for TvTs.

Loading mod settings

In order to configure other mods, please refer to their individual config files, located right within the mods-settings folder.