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Coryf88 edited this page Aug 1, 2022 · 6 revisions


Units are one of the most important parts of a mission, since there is no way to play without them. Although the Framework includes pre-configured units that work without the need of any customization, doing so is incredibly easy and intuitive, as we will outline next.


Open the mission in the editor and open the attributes of any given playable unit, indicated by a circle around their icon.

Variable Name

Generally speaking, you shouldn't mess with an already existing Unit's variable name, as they fit into their team and that's important for its consistency.

An example of a unit's variable name is:


Let's pick that apart. Every bit between an underscore has a significance.

Part Description
blu Side, which can be blu, op, ind, or civ.
7 Group number, with 0 being the first.
0 Team number, with 0 being the "main" or "actual" team.
1 Number in the team, starting at 1.


Variable Name Callsign Role
blu_0_0_1 Zero Actual Commander
blu_0_0_2 Zero '2 RTO
blu_0_0_3 Zero '3 Medic
blu_1_0_1 Alpha Actual Squad Leader
blu_1_0_2 Alpha '2 RTO
blu_1_0_3 Alpha '3 Medic
blu_1_1_1 Alpha 1'1 Team Leader
blu_1_1_2 Alpha 1'2 Rifleman
blu_1_1_3 Alpha 1'3 Rifleman (AT)
blu_1_1_4 Alpha 1'4 Autorifleman
blu_2_0_1 Bravo Actual Squad Leader
op_0_0_2 Godfather '2 RTO

Init Line

The Unit's initialization line is used to assign some important details about the Unit itself, though you'll generally not have to modify them.

In the initialization line of unit's you'll see something similar to:

this setVariable ["unitInit",["white","*","*","*"], true];

The part we're interested in is ["white","*","*","*"], the rest of it shouldn't be modified.

Part Description
"white" Color, which can be "white", "red", "green", "blue", or "yellow".
"*" Faction, used to assign a different Faction loadout, e.g. "USMC". "*" will cause the default to be used.
"*" Role, used to assign a different Role loadout, e.g. "rifleman". "*" will cause the default to be used.
"*" Group Name, forces the Unit's group name dynamically, e.g. "Alpha 2", but be careful not to name units in the same group with different names. "*" will cause the default to be used.


this setVariable ["unitInit",["red","*","*","*"], true];
this setVariable ["unitInit",["red","USMC","rifleman","Alpha 2"], true];


Option Role
"co" Officer
"sl" Squad Leader
"ftl" Team Leader
"rifleman" Rifleman
"at" Rifleman (AT)
"marksman" Marksman
"ar" Autorifleman
"asstar" Asst. Autorifleman
"medic" Combat Life Saver
"grenadier" Grenadier
"helipilot" Helicopter Pilot
"helicrew" Helicopter Crew
"engineer" Engineer
"crew" Vehicle Crew
"driver" Vehicle Driver
"gunner" Vehicle Gunner
"commander" Vehicle Commander
"loader" Vehicle Loader
"pilot" Pilot
"rto" JTAC
"reconleader" Recon Team Leader
"recon" Recon Scout
"recondemo" Recon Demo Specialist
"reconmedic" Recon Paramedic
"reconat" Recon Scout (AT)
"reconmarksman" Recon Marksman
"demo" Explosive Specialist
"hmg" Gunner (HMG)
"staticat" Gunner (AT)
"uav" UAV Operator
"hmgtripod" Asst. Gunner (HMG/GMG)
"attripod" Asst. Gunner (AT)
"mortar" Gunner (Mk6)
"mortarasst" Asst. Gunner (Mk6)
"hat" Missile Specialist (AT)
"hatasst" Asst. Missile Specialist (AT)
"haa" Missile Specialist (AA)
"haaasst" Asst. Missile Specialist (AA)
"sniper" Sniper
"spotter" Spotter
"mmg" Heavy Gunner
"mmgasst" Ammo Bearer
"reporter" Reporter
"cameraman" Cameraman


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