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Neefay edited this page Oct 6, 2015 · 20 revisions

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The ArmA series is well known for being a flagship PC game - it is heavy to run, ostensibly large in scale and most importantly highly customizable - indeed modding and adapting to fit the interests of the community is where the game truly shines: from playable units to weapons and vehicles, users are invited to make their own assets into the game, creating a wide array of possibilities and unique situations.

However, in order to bring these assets together, ArmA needs another very important thing: missions. As one might imagine, missions are simply a set of players with an enemy to fight and tasks to complete - a very common form of game design - the marrow of the game. The idea of being able to make your own missions which will be played by dozens of other players is no doubt very attractive to many people, but many lack the technical knowledge or the time to dwell upon the commands and scripting syntax necessary to finish a cohesive, properly functioning scenario.

With these people in mind, an array of members from the BromA group stepped up to solve this problematic task: create an easy and intuitive enough way for those who are new to mission making - while upholding commonly required standards seen on regular missions.

It is our hope that we have succeeded. Good luck.

To-do list, in order of priority

  • Loadout System
  • Cargo System
  • Common Events
  • Ending System
  • API Functions
  • Mission Info
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