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Development environment

Charles de Beauchesne edited this page May 10, 2020 · 1 revision

Actually, it will much more comfortable to have an UI to manage every dev tasks. First of all, install Vue CLI

npm install -g @vue/cli

Then, simply launch :

vue ui

On http://localhost:8000/dashboard, you will have on-click buttons for all features :

  • serve : launch a ready-to-code server with hot reload
  • build : build a ready-to-deploy production site
  • build:github : a demo site, that can be deployed on any static file server.
  • lint : do you have followed every coding good practices ?
    • lint:no-fixis the same process, but it won't correct your files
  • messages:extract : if you have modified any textual string, please run this task. it will update .pot translation files
  • messages:compile : get new translation from Transifex, and compile them to .jsonfiles.
  • generates-docs : Generate documentation files
  • generates-icons : Generate icons .js files in /src/assets/font-awesome-custom
  • update-c2c-common : c2c core data has been updated ? keep UI syncronised with them. We will need python 3 for this task


I strongly recommend the awesome VS code, with this extensions :

  • Vetur, the Vue plugin. Mandatory.
  • EditorConfig for CS code, it will set your editor with c2c_ui conventions
  • ESLint, what else ?
  • Debugger for chrome, it definitly rocks! doc and also here 🚀