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Edward O edited this page Mar 3, 2025 · 9 revisions

i18n works with an home made module inspired by awesome Rubenv's angular-gettext :

Adding i18n in your code

Text in source code must be in english. It will be the unique key that identifies translated texts. A separated process will crawl all the source code, extracts those texts, and will send them to our translation tool: transifex.

Once a day, a process will pull new translated text and create a pull request.

This system works pretty well for short and unformatted text. For longer texts, you may use an article (please contact [email protected] for this use case).

Include i18n in

Simply use v-translate directive :

<span v-translate>
    Hello world!

Note that node content can only be simple text. this won't work as expected :

<span v-translate>
    Hello <b>world</b>!

If you need to specify a translation context to translators, use translate-context attribute :

<span v-translate translate-context="Message to users">
    Hello world!

Include i18n in javascript files and <script> part in vue file...

... And also in template bindings, use $gettext method :

    <img :title="$gettext('Hello World')" :alt="altText">

    export defaults {
        computed: {
            altText() {
                return this.$gettext('Alternative hello');

$gettext accepts a second argument : translation context :

const message = this.$gettext('Hello world!', 'Message to users')

As $gettext in binded to Vue model, you can't use it in a separated js file.

Include i18n in <style> part in vue file...

... is not possible.

Include i18n in messages from API

API messages are not explicitly present in c2c_ui source code. For this use case, add an hard-coded javascript comment :

    <!-- $gettext('an API message') -->

    export defaults {
        computed: {
            altText() {
                // could be :
                // $gettext('message A')
                // $gettext('message B')
                return api.getMessage();

More hidden details ...

... can be found in the discussion in this issue.

Workflow with transifex

We have migrated our CI to Github Actions and have automated the i18n workflow:

  • Every time a commit is made on the master branch, the i18n keys are extracted from code and uploaded to Transifex (by the ci push-i18n action).
  • Once a day, script retrieve-i18n checks whether changes were introduced in Transifex, and, if applies, creates or updates PR to merge changes into master branch.
  • Users can then review changes and merge the PR as appropriate. Or even edit it if needed.