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Logan Saether edited this page Feb 4, 2019 · 3 revisions

In general curation is a hard problem on premissionless decentralized platforms because anyone can post whatever the hell they want. Providing incentive for a class of users (henceforth referred to as the curators) to curate content is thereby desirable. It accomplishes the goals of 1) reducing noise and flagging low quality content, 2) flagging extreme or NSFW content, 3) properly ordering content based on relevance to topics or hashtags.

Below we describe some methods of curation.

Incentivized Upvoting

See Steemit.

Whitelists and Blacklists

Whitelist is a list of names, accounts, or feeds which are labelled as permissioned, in comparison a blacklist is a list in which each item of the list is regarded as forbidden.

Attacks on Decentralized Curation

Downvote Mob

A downvote mob happens when a group of users band together, or a cartel forms, in order to flag specific content as low-quality even though it may not actually be bad content.

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