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Alexander Maassen edited this page May 22, 2023 · 7 revisions

Channels represent a Discord channel, whether it be a direct message channel, group channel, voice channel, text channel etc.


name type description
id string id of the channel
name string name of the channel
type int type of the channel, see Channel constants
topic string topic of the channel
guild_id string or null id of the guild the channel belongs to, null if direct message
guild Guild or null guild the channel belongs to, null if direct message
position int position of the channel in the Discord client
is_private bool whether the message is a private direct message channel
last_message_id string id of the last message sent in the channel
bitrate int bitrate of the voice channel
recipient User recipient of the direct message, only for direct message channel
recipients Collection of Users recipients of the group direct message, only for group dm channels
nsfw bool whether the channel is set as NSFW
user_limit int user limit of the channel for voice channels
rate_limit_per_user int amount of time in seconds a user has to wait between messages
icon string channel icon hash
owner_id string owner of the group DM
application_id string id of the group dm creator if it was via an oauth application
parent_id string id of the parent of the channel if it is in a group
last_pin_timestamp Carbon timestamp when the last message was pinned in the channel
rtc_region string Voice region id for the voice channel, automatic when set to null.
video_quality_mode int The camera video quality mode of the voice channel, 1 when not present.
default_auto_archive_duration int Default duration for newly created threads, in minutes, to automatically archive the thread after recent activity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080.


name type notes
overwrites Overwrite Contains permission overwrites
members VoiceStateUpdate Only for voice channels. Contains voice members
messages Message
webhooks Webhook Only available in text channels
threads Thread Only available in text channels
invites Invite

Set permissions of a member or role

Sets the permissions of a member or role. Takes two arrays of permissions - one for allow and one for deny. See Channel Permissions for a valid list of permissions. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description default
part Member or Role The part to apply the permissions to required
allow array Array of permissions to allow the part []
deny array Array of permissions to deny the part []
// Member can send messages and attach files,
// but can't add reactions to message.
$channel->setPermissions($member, [
], [
])->done(function () {
    // ...

Set permissions of a member or role with an Overwrite

Sets the permissions of a member or role, but takes an Overwrite part instead of two arrays. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description default
part Member or Role The part to apply the permissions to required
overwrite Overwrite part The overwrite to apply required
$allow = new ChannelPermission($discord, [
    'send_messages' => true,
    'attach_files' => true,

$deny = new ChannelPermission($discord, [
    'add_reactions' => true,

$overwrite = $channel->overwrites->create([
    'allow' => $allow,
    'deny' => $deny,

// Member can send messages and attach files,
// but can't add reactions to message.
$channel->setOverwrite($member, $overwrite)->done(function () {
    // ...

Move member to voice channel

Moves a member to a voice channel if the member is already in one. Takes a Member object or member ID and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description default
member Member or string The member to move required
$channel->moveMember($member)->done(function () {
    // ...

// or

$channel->moveMember('123213123123213')->done(function () {
    // ...

Muting and unmuting member in voice channel

Mutes or unmutes a member in the voice channel. Takes a Member object or member ID and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description default
member Member or string The member to mute/unmute required
// muting a member with a member object
$channel->muteMember($member)->done(function () {
    // ...

// unmuting a member with a member ID
$channel->unmuteMember('123213123123213')->done(function () {
    // ...

Creating an invite

Creates an invite for a channel. Takes an array of options and returns the new invite in a promise.


Parameters are in an array.

name type description default
max_age int Maximum age of the invite in seconds 24 hours
max_uses int Maximum uses of the invite unlimited
temporary bool Whether the invite grants temporary membership false
unique bool Whether the invite should be unique false
target_type int The type of target for this voice channel invite
target_user_id string The id of the user whose stream to display for this invite, required if target_type is Invite::TARGET_TYPE_STREAM, the user must be streaming in the channel
target_application_id string The id of the embedded application to open for this invite, required if target_type is Invite::TARGET_TYPE_EMBEDDED_APPLICATION, the application must have the EMBEDDED flag
    'max_age' => 60, // 1 minute
    'max_uses' => 5, // 5 uses
])->done(function (Invite $invite) {
    // ...

Bulk deleting messages

Deletes many messages at once. Takes an array of messages and/or message IDs and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description default
messages array or collection of messages and/or message IDs The messages to delete default
reason string Reason for Audit Log
])->done(function () {
    // ...

Getting message history

Retrieves message history with an array of options. Returns a collection of messages in a promise.


name type description default
before Message or message ID Get messages before this message
after Message or message ID Get messages after this message
around Message or message ID Get messages around this message
limit int Number of messages to get, between 1 and 100 100
    'limit' => 5,
])->done(function (Collection $messages) {
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        // ...

Limit delete messages

Deletes a number of messages, in order from the last one sent. Takes an integer of messages to delete and returns an empty promise.


name type description default
value int number of messages to delete, in the range 1-100 required
reason string Reason for Audit Log
// deletes the last 15 messages
$channel->limitDelete(15)->done(function () {
    // ...

Pin or unpin a message

Pins or unpins a message from the channel pinboard. Takes a message object and returns the same message in a promise.


name type description default
message Message The message to pin/unpin required
reason string Reason for Audit Log
// to pin
$channel->pinMessage($message)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

// to unpin
$channel->unpinMessage($message)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

Get invites

Gets the channels invites. Returns a collection of invites in a promise.

$channel->getInvites()->done(function (Collection $invites) {
    foreach ($invites as $invite) {
        // ...

Send a message

Sends a message to the channel. Takes a message builder. Returns the message in a promise.


name type description default
message MessageBuilder Message content required
$message = MessageBuilder::new()
    ->setContent('Hello, world!')

$channel->sendMessage($message)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

Send an embed

Sends an embed to the channel. Takes an embed and returns the sent message in a promise.


name type description default
embed Embed The embed to send required
$channel->sendEmbed($embed)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

Broadcast typing

Broadcasts to the channel that the bot is typing. Genreally, bots should not use this route, but if a bot takes a while to process a request it could be useful. Returns nothing in a promise.

$channel->broadcastTyping()->done(function () {
    // ...

Create a message collector

Creates a message collector, which calls a filter function on each message received and inserts it into a collection if the function returns true. The collector is resolved after a specified time or limit, whichever is given or whichever happens first. Takes a callback, an array of options and returns a collection of messages in a promise.


name type description default
filter callable The callback to call on every message required
options array Array of options []
// Collects 5 messages containing hello
$channel->createMessageCollector(fn ($message) => strpos($message->content, 'hello') !== false, [
    'limit' => 5,
])->done(function (Collection $messages) {
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        // ...


One of time or limit is required, or the collector will not resolve.

name type description
time int The time after which the collector will resolve, in milliseconds
limit int The number of messages to be collected

Get pinned messages

Returns the messages pinned in the channel. Only applicable for text channels. Returns a collection of messages in a promise.

$channel->getPinnedMessages()->done(function (Collection $messages) {
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        // $message->...
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