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Alexander Maassen edited this page May 22, 2023 · 1 revision

Presence Update

Called with a PresenceUpdate object when a member's presence is updated.

$discord->on(Event::PRESENCE_UPDATE, function (PresenceUpdate $presence, Discord $discord) {
    // ...

Requires the Intents::GUILD_PRESENCES intent. This intent is a priviliged intent, it must be enabled in your Discord Bot developer settings.

Typing Start

Called with a TypingStart object when a user starts typing in a channel.

// use Discord\Parts\WebSockets\TypingStart;

$discord->on(Event::TYPING_START, function (TypingStart $typing, Discord $discord) {
    // ...

Requires the Intents::GUILD_MESSAGE_TYPING intent.

User Update

Called with a User object when the Bot's user properties change.

$discord->on(Event::USER_UPDATE, function (User $user, Discord $discord, ?User $oldUser) {
    // ...
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