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SQKo edited this page Apr 15, 2023 · 1 revision

Class 'X' not found

You most likely haven't imported the class that you are trying to use. Please check the class reference and search for the class that you are trying to use. Add an import statement at the top of the file like shown on the right.


use Discord\X;

If you don't want to have to import a class every time, you should look into the PHP Intelephense language server (written above) which will do automatic imports for you.

There are less members and/or users than expected

Server members are guarded by a priviliged server intent which must be enabled in the Discord Developer Portal. Note that you will need to verify your bot if you use this intent and pass 100 guilds.

You also need to enable the loadAllMembers option in your code, as shown on the right.

$discord = new Discord([
    'token' => '...',
    'loadAllMembers' => true, // Enable this option

If you are using DiscordPHP Version 6 or greater, you need to enable the GUILD_MEMBERS intent as well as the loadAllMembers option. The shown code will enable all intents minus the GUILD_PRESENCES intent (which is also priviliged).

$discord = new Discord([
    'token' => '...',
    'loadAllMembers' => true,
    'intents' => Intents::getDefaultIntents() | Intents::GUILD_MEMBERS // Enable the `GUILD_MEMBERS` intent
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