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Dante Smith edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 5 revisions

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Author: Dante

MicHeadAlignProcess(analysisVar, trialVar) is a class which handles time-alignment between audio signals collected in individual trials of sensorimotor experiments.

This calculates delays between the Audapter and NIDAQ microphone recordings, as well as the delay between the Microphone and Headphones in the Audapter recordings. This function is currently called from the following function:

dfAnalysisAudapter: Run during data analysis without any interim visualization/QC
dfInspectRawData: Real-time visualization of the audio dynamics

analysisVar : Structure of variables from overall experiment and expects the following fields:

  • expType : The Experiment Name (e.g. 'Auditory Perturbation_Perceptual')
  • sRate : Sampling rate of recordings
  • frameLen : Frame length of recordings

trialVar : Structure of variables from the specific trial being processed and expects the following fields:

  • AudFB : String describing the Auditory Feedback being used on this trial ('Masking Noise')
  • rawMic : Vector of unprocessed Microphone signal (post-gain) for a single trial
  • rawHead : Vector of unprocessed Headphones signal (post-gain) for a single trial
  • rms : Root mean squared of unprocessed Microphone signal
  • auTrigs : Trigger points that defined for the onset and offset of the perturbation being applied during the experimentation
  • fsNi : Sampling rate of the NIDAQ recording device.
  • trialTimeNI : Length of recording at NIDAQ sampling rate
  • expTrigsNI : Vector of trigger points at NIDAQ sampling rate
  • timeNI : Vector of time points sampled with NIDAQ sampling rate
  • rawMicNI : Vector of Microphone signal recorded from the NIDAQ
  • pressureNI : Vector of Pressure sensor signal from the NIDAQ
  • pressureTrigs : Vector of trigger values of indices where pressure onset/offset occurs in the pressure signal.
  • presLagTimes : Vector of time values describing the amount of lag between when the perturbation signal is received and when the balloon begins inflating.
  • presRiseTimes : Vector of time values describing the rise time of the pressure sensor from its lowest value to its greatest value (time to inflate)

This class has the following methods:

  • MicHeadAlignProcess
  • CalcEnvelope
  • evalPreVoiceRMS
  • xCorrTimeLag
  • MHdelayChunked
  • identifyVoiceBreak
  • drawPreProcessDiagnostic