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Dante Smith edited this page Mar 6, 2022 · 2 revisions

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Author: Dante Smith

[niAn, niRes] = dfAnalysisNIDAQ(dirs, expParam, DAQin, AudFlag, ADyFlag, PresFlag) organizes and analyzes raw NIDAQ recordings taken from sensors and audio devices during experiments measuring changes in f0. Specifically this function is responsible for cataloging the timing dynamics of the perturbation trigger signals, as well as measuring the sensor dynamics of the sensors that verify appropriate stimulus levels.

dirs : Structure of the file directories set for the computer in use.
expParam : Structure of the experimental parameters for the current experiment.
DAQin : 3D matrix of raw NIDAQ data.
AudFlag : Boolean flag to perform acoustic analysis on recorded data.
ADyFlag : Boolean audio dynamics flag to analyze time-series changes in audio recordings.
PrsFlag : Boolean flag to analyze time-series changes in pressure sensor recording.

niAn : Structure of variables used to analyze NIDAQ data
niRes : Structure of pertitent result variables necessary for pooled-analyses, stats, & figures.

This function calls the following functions

This function includes the following sub-functions:

  • initNIDAQAnalysisStruct
  • initSensorDynamicsStruct
  • convertPressureSensor
  • pareseTrialType
  • findPertTrigs
  • analyzeSensorDynamics
  • alignSensorData
  • sectionData
  • meanSensorData
  • identifyLims
  • packResults

This function requires the following MATLAB toolboxes