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Conference call notes 20240508

Kenneth Hoste edited this page May 21, 2024 · 2 revisions

(back to Conference calls)

Notes on the 245th EasyBuild conference call, Wednesday 8 May 2024 (15:00 UTC)


List of attendees (11):

  • Alex Domingo
  • Bart Oldeman
  • Chia-Jung Hsu
  • Jasper Grimm
  • Jurij Peĉar
  • Kurt Lust
  • Mikael
  • Sebastian Achilles
  • Simon Branford
  • Thomas Hoffmann
  • Thomas Langford


  • overview of recent developments
  • Q&A

Recent developments

  • next EasyBuild release: EasyBuild v5.0.0
    • detailed notes on latest developments in
    • to test development version of EasyBuild 5.0:
      # set up Python virtual environment, and jump into it
      python3 -m venv eb5
      source eb5/bin/activate
      # install EasyBuild 5.0 development version into it
      pip install
      pip install
      pip install
      # go!
      eb --version

Merged PRs

  • docs (merged PRs)

    • ...
  • framework (merged PRs)

    • bug fixes
      • don't delete existing environment module files when using --dump-env-script with --force or --rebuild (PR #4512)
    • enhancements
    • changes
    • code cleanup
      • remove Python 2 compat in LooseVersion (PR #4524)
  • easyblocks (merged PRs)

    • bug fixes
    • enhancements
      • add/improve support of RISC-V
      • replace run_cmd with run_shell_cmd (many PRs)
      • Allow 'nosource: True' in PythonPackage extensions' (PR #3305)
    • updates
    • changes
    • new easyblocks
  • easyconfigs (merged PRs)

Open (active) PRs

  • docs (open PRs + issues)

    • ...
  • framework (open PRs + issues)\

    • enhancements
      • versions checks to avoid mixing major versions across the EB repositories (PR #4520)
    • changes
  • easyblocks (open PRs + issues)

    • changes
      • update ConfigureMake easyblock to error out on unknown configure args (PR #3025)
      • set CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR to lib by default (PR #3227, PR #20487)
  • easyconfigs (open PRs + issues)

    • updates
      • QuantumESPRESSO:
        • 7.3.1 with cmake (PR #20138
        • Correct configuration of QuantumESPRESSO for 6.7/7.2/7.3, move all QE easyconfigs to "legacy" easyblock (PR #20070
      • jax 0.4.25 (PR #20119)
      • OpenMPI v5.0.3, PMIx v5.0.2 (PR #17561)
      • RELION v5.0.0_beta.2024.0.01 w/ CUDA 12.1.1 9PR #19678)
      • GAMESS-US v20230930-R2 and v20220930-R2 (PR #19310, PR #19452)

Q&A / others

  • Simon: made PR for "versions checks to avoid mixing major versions across the EB repositories" (PR #4520)
    • Simon: check that PRs do not mix versions of framework and easyblock, or use the wrong repository version than what is targeted in the PR
    • Alex: compatible with the proposed easybuild_version parameter for easyconfigs
    • Mikael: not keen on incentivice users to stick with old versions
    • Simon: users mixing old easyblocks/easyconfigs with EB5 will get deprecation anyhow
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