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Compiling EDGE‐Classic

Lobo edited this page Mar 28, 2024 · 1 revision


Windows Compilation using MSVC Build Tools and VSCode

Download the Visual Studio Build Tools Installer and install the 'Desktop Development with C++' Workload

  • Also select the "C++ CMake tools for Windows" optional component

Install VSCode as well as the C/C++ and CMake Tools Extensions

After opening the project folder in VSCode, select the 'Visual Studio Build Tools (version) Release - x86_amd64' kit for 64-bit, or the x86 kit for 32-bit

Select the Release CMake build variant

Click Build

Windows Compilation using MSYS2

This section assumes that you have completed the steps at and have a working basic MSYS2 install

From an MSYS prompt for your target architecture:

Install the following additional packages:

  • mingw-w64-(arch)-gcc (if not performed during initial MSYS2 install/setup)
  • mingw-w64-(arch)-cmake
  • mingw-w64-(arch)-SDL2

Then, after navigating to the project directory:

> cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-static -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2.dll -mwindows" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_WORKS=1 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_WORKS=1
> cmake --build build (-j# optional, with # being the number of threads/cores you'd like to use)
> strip edge-classic.exe (if desired)

Compilation for Windows XP using w64devkit

WARNING: w64devkit's bundled tools such as GNU Make can produce false positives in Windows Defender; please see for more information and steps to validate that the Make executable is valid. Any Windows Defender exceptions that are created to account for this are the responsibility of the user and the user alone, and are NOT recommended actions by the development team!

NOTE: Windows XP support has been deprecated; the steps below may fail with future versions of EDGE-Classic. Issues that prevent EDGE-Classic from running in Windows XP outside of legitimate bugs (i.e., an otherwise good function needs compiler defines and a separate code path to work with XP) will not be addressed by the development team.

This section assumes that you have downloaded the i686 release from and extracted it to a folder of your choosing. You will also need to download the SDL2-devel-<version>-mingw package from and placed the contents of its i686-w64-mingw32 folder into the i686-w64-mingw32 folder of your w64devkit installation.

Launch w64devkit.exe from your extracted w64devkit folder.

Then, after navigating to the project directory:

> cmake -B build -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-static -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2.dll -mwindows" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_WORKS=1 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_WORKS=1
> cmake --build build (-j# optional, with # being the number of threads/cores you'd like to use)
> strip edge-classic.exe (if desired)

Linux Compilation

This section assumes that you have a display server and graphical environment installed

Install the following packages with their dependencies (exact names may vary based on distribution):

  • cmake
  • g++
  • libsdl2-dev

Then, after navigating to the project directory in a terminal:

> cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
> cmake --build build (-j# optional, with # being the number of threads/cores you'd like to use)

BSD Compilation

This section assumes that you have a display server and graphical environment installed

Install the following packages with their dependencies (exact names may vary based on distribution):

  • cmake
  • sdl2

Then, after navigating to the project directory in a terminal:

> cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
> cmake --build build (-j# optional, with # being the number of threads/cores you'd like to use)

WebGL Compilation

Please note, the web version is less mature than other platforms and there is ongoing work to better integrate it.

In order to build for the web you'll need:

  • cmake
  • python3 - (Required by Emscripten)
  • Emscripten - Download and install the Emscripten SDK

Before building, copy an IWAD such as freedoom2.wad to the example website template in the project's root /web/preload folder, if you are using an IWAD other than freedoom2.wad, edit /web/site/index.html accordingly.

You can add other WAD files to the preload folder. For example, to play Arctic Wolf: Revisited, copy the WAD and then modify the arguments list in index.html adding "-file", "arctre.wad"

When adding files to the preload folder, building is required as the data is processed to be loaded by browser.

Now, configure and build:

> cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/emsdk/upstream/emscripten/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
> cmake --build build (-j# optional, with # being the number of threads/cores you'd like to use)

Once the build is complete, all the required files should be in the /web/site folder, change directory to this folder and run python -m http.server

Open a web browser, navigate to, and play Edge Classic!

Launching EDGE-Classic

In all cases (barring the WebGL build per the previous section), the executable will be copied to the root of the project folder upon success. You can either launch the program in place, or copy the following folders and files to a separate directory if desired:

  • autoload
  • edge_base
  • edge_fixes
  • soundfont
  • edge-classic/edge-classic.exe (OS-dependent)
  • edge_defs.epk
  • SDL2.dll (Windows-only, MSYS and w64devkit builds must have this file moved here manually; see below instructions for details)

MSYS BUILDS: You will need to navigate to the /bin folder for the appropriate architecture in your MSYS2 installation (for example, /mingw64/bin for MinGW 64-bit builds), and copy SDL2.dll into the same directory as edge-classic.exe. If the program has errors on startup regarding other .dlls missing, they can be found in this location as well.

W64DEVKIT BUILDS: You will need to copy SDL2.dll from the /i686-w64-mingw32/bin of your w64devkit install to the directory containing edge-classic.exe


EDGE-Classic Mod Downloads


DDF     Introduction
    Lines and Sectors
RTS     Introduction
    Flow Control
    Level Commands
    Maps and Triggers
    Thing Commands
    Tips and Menus
Tutorials     Creating a Weapon
    Creating an Enemy
    Creating a Friendly Creature

Compiling EDGE-Classic

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