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DDF Languages
Stored in the DDFLANG data lump, or the language.ldf file.
DDFLANG can be used to modify existing text, or to add custom text associated with new entries in the other ddf files, such as new weapons or pickups. It can also be used to provide translations of the text for different languages. Allowing you to play doom in your own language.
Each language set is defined by a name, enclosed in square brackets e.g. [FRENCH] or [GERMAN], followed by a series of text entries for that langauge.
The default language for EDGE is English, and the engine will not load if there is no entry in language.ldf for [ENGLISH].
The language.ldf file in the DDF 3.7 package provides support for the following languages: Swedish, French, German, Turkish, Spanish, Dutch and Finnish. (These can be selected from the options menu, or on the command line e.g -lang turkish). If no string exists in a desired language, it will be found under another one, typically in [ENGLISH].
The language DDF file is different from other files in that there are no set commands. Instead, each entry defines a string to be used in the game. E.g.
MAP01Desc="Level 1: entryway"; |
Defines the string "Level 1: entryway" as MAP01Desc. Then the term MAP01Desc can be used in the relevant DDF file (in this case, levels.ddf).
You can also create new entries. If you made a flamethrower, you could create a new pickup message. E.g.
GotFlame="You got the Flamethrower." |
You will usually edit this file to add pickup messages for new items, weapons etc, or to change the map descriptions (seen in the left hand corner when you are looking at the automap during a game - usually after pressing the tab key).
The Following is a an example of an [ENGLISH] language entry for Doom 2, with comments marking all the sections and what they are for. Where an entry is referred to from another ddf file, that file name is indicated in the comment.
// ------ English Language Definition File ---------- [ENGLISH] // ************************************************************** General game entries. DevelopmentMode="Development Mode is enabled.\n"; PressKey="Press A Key"; // ************************************************************** Saving games QuickSaveOver="quicksave over your game named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n."; // ************************************************************** Loading games NoLoadInNetGame="you can't load while in a net game!\n\npress a key."; // ************************************************************** starting new games and quiting NewNetGame="you can't start a new game\n" // ************************************************************** Pickups *********** Armour.. see things.ddf GotArmour="Picked up the armor."; // ************************************************************** Pickups *********** Health.. see things.ddf GotHealthPotion="Picked up a health bonus."; // ************************************************************** Pickups *********** Keys.. see things.ddf GotBlueCard="Picked up a blue keycard."; // ************************************************************** Pickups *********** Specials.. see things.ddf GotInvulner="Invulnerability!"; // ************************************************************** Pickups *********** Ammo.. see things.ddf GotClip="Picked up a clip."; // ************************************************************** Pickups *********** Weapons.. see things.ddf GotBFG="You got the BFG9000! Oh, yes."; // ************************************************************** Keys required for doors and objects.. see lines.ddf NeedBlueForObject="You need a blue key to activate this object"; // ************************************************************** Level names (for map screen).. see levels.ddf Map01Desc="Entryway"; Map02Desc="Underhalls"; Map03Desc="The gantlet"; Map04Desc="The focus"; Map05Desc="The waste tunnels"; Map06Desc="The crusher"; Map07Desc="Dead simple"; Map08Desc="Tricks and traps"; Map09Desc="The pit"; Map10Desc="Refueling base"; Map11Desc="'O' of destruction!"; Map12Desc="The factory"; Map13Desc="Downtown"; Map14Desc="The inmost dens"; Map15Desc="Industrial zone"; Map16Desc="Suburbs"; Map17Desc="Tenements"; Map18Desc="The courtyard"; Map19Desc="The citadel"; Map20Desc="Gotcha!"; Map21Desc="Nirvana"; Map22Desc="The catacombs"; Map23Desc="Barrels o' fun"; Map24Desc="The chasm"; Map25Desc="Bloodfalls"; Map26Desc="The abandoned mines"; Map27Desc="Monster condo"; Map28Desc="The spirit world"; Map29Desc="The living end"; Map30Desc="Icon of sin"; Map31Desc="Wolfenstein"; Map32Desc="Grosse"; // ************************************************************** Automap feature toggles AutoMapFollowOn="Follow Mode ON"; // ************************************************************** Cheat code messages GodModeON="Degreelessness Mode On"; HomDetectOn="HOM Detection ON"; VeryHappyAmmo="Very Happy Ammo Added"; ClipON="No Clipping Mode ON"; BEHOLDNote="inVul, Str, Invis, Rad, mAp, Lite-amp, or Jetpack"; ChoppersNote="... doesn't suck - GM"; SuicideCheat="Loser!"; PlayerTargetingOff="Monsters will not target player"; UnlockCheat="Got all the keys!"; MonstersKilled="%d Monsters Killed."; CDdisabled="CD Audio has not been enabled"; MusChange="Music Change"; ImpossibleChange="IMPOSSIBLE SELECTION"; LevelQ="Level Change!\nEnter Level Name:\n\n"; // ************************************************************** Level PRE or END text.. see levels.ddf Level7Text="YOU HAVE ENTERED DEEPLY INTO THE INFESTED\n" Level12Text="YOU HAVE WON! YOUR VICTORY HAS ENABLED\n" Level21Text="YOU ARE AT THE CORRUPT HEART OF THE CITY,\n" EndGameText="THE HORRENDOUS VISAGE OF THE BIGGEST\n" Level31Text="CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE FOUND THE SECRET\n" // ************************************************************** EDGE startup messages CheckNetGame= "D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n"; Notice= "==============================================================================\n" // ************************************************************** Main Menu texts MainNewGame="New Game"; MainOptions="Options"; MainLoadGame="Load Game"; MainSaveGame="Save Game"; MainReadThis="Read This!"; MainQuitGame="Quit Game"; MenuSkill="Choose skill level:"; MenuDifficulty1="I'm too young to die."; MenuDifficulty2="Hey, not too rough."; MenuDifficulty3="Hurt me plenty."; MenuDifficulty4="Ultra-Violence."; MenuDifficulty5="Nightmare!"; MenuOptions="Options"; MenuVideo="Video Options"; MenuResolution="Screen Options"; MenuScreen="Screen Options"; MenuMouse="Mouse / Controller"; MenuSound="Sound Options"; MenuGameplay="Gameplay Options"; MenuPerformance="Performance Options"; MenuAccessibility="Accessibility Options"; MenuBinding="Key Bindings"; // ************************************************************** Menu option text OptStandardControls="Standard Controls"; OptExtendedControls="Extended Controls"; OptSetResolution="Screen Options"; OptVideoOptions="Video Options"; OptSoundOptions="Sound Options"; OptGameplayOptions="Gameplay Options"; OptPerformanceOptions="Performance Options"; OptAnalogueOptions="Analogue Options"; OptLanguage="Language"; OptMessages="Messages"; OptSwapStereo="Swap Stereo"; OptSoundVolume="Sound Volume"; OptMusicVolume="Music Volume"; OptResetToRecommended="Reset to Recommended"; OptResetToOriginalDoom="Reset to Original Doom"; OptBrightness="Brightness"; OptScreensize="Screensize"; OptFieldOfView="Field Of View"; OptZoomedFOV="Zoomed FOV"; OptTranslucency="Translucency"; OptMipmapping="Mipmapping"; OptSmoothing="Smoothing"; OptShadows="Shadows"; OptDynamicLighting="Dynamic Lighting"; OptCrosshair="Crosshair"; OptMapRotation="Map Rotation"; OptMapOverlay="Map Overlay"; OptScreenComposition="Screen Composition"; OptTeleportationeffect="Teleportation effect"; OptReverseeffect="Reverse effect"; OptTeleportFlash="Teleport Flash"; OptWipemethod="Wipe method"; OptReversedwipe="Reversed wipe"; OptStretchSky="Stretch Sky"; OptCyanRed3dEffect="Cyan/Red 3d effect"; OptChangeSize="Change Size"; OptChangeDepth="Change Depth"; OptSetResolution="Screen Options"; OptTestResolution="Test Resolution"; Optanalogueoptionssize="analogueoptionssize"; OptInvertMouse="Invert Mouse"; OptMouseXAxis="Mouse X Axis"; OptMouseYAxis="Mouse Y Axis"; OptMouseSpeed="MouseSpeed"; OptMLookSpeed="MLook Speed"; OptTwoStageTurning="Two-Stage Turning"; OptTurningSpeed="Turning Speed"; OptSideMoveSpeed="Side Move Speed"; OptForwardMoveSpeed="Forward Move Speed"; OptJoystickXAxis="Joystick X Axis"; OptJoystickYAxis="Joystick Y Axis"; OptCalibrateJoystick="Calibrate Joystick"; Optplayoptionssize="playoptionssize"; OptTrue3DGameplay="True 3D Gameplay"; OptAutoAiming="AutoAiming"; OptJumping="Jumping"; OptCrouching="Crouching"; OptMoreBlood="More Blood"; OptExtras="Extras"; OptGravity="Gravity"; OptQuickLoad="Quick Load"; OptEnemyRespawnMode="Enemy Respawn Mode"; OptItemRespawn="Item Respawn"; OptFastMonsters="Fast Monsters"; OptRespawn="Respawn"; OptPrimaryAttack="Primary Attack"; OptSecondaryAtk="Secondary Atk"; OptUseItem="Use Item"; OptWalkForward="Walk Forward"; OptWalkBackwards="Walk Backwards"; OptTurnLeft="Turn Left"; OptTurnRight="Turn Right"; OptMoveUp="Move Up"; OptMoveDown="Move Down"; OptToggleAutorun="Toggle Autorun"; OptRun="Run"; OptStrafeLeft="Strafe Left"; OptStrafeRight="Strafe Right"; OptStrafe="Strafe"; OptLookUp="Look Up"; OptLookDown="Look Down"; OptCenterView="Center View"; OptZoomInOut="Zoom in/out"; Opt180DegreeTurn="180 degree turn"; OptJump="Jump"; OptMouseLook="Mouse Look"; OptMapToggle="Map Toggle"; OptMultiplayTalk="Multiplay Talk"; // ************************************************************** Menu screen tips Controls="Setup Standard Doom Controls"; // ************************************************************** Sounds played when quiting QuitSnd1="pldeth"; // ************************************************************** Cheat codes (change the entries in "" to change these). iddt="iddt"; |
DDF docs written by Andy Baker and Ziggy Gnarly, with updates by Andrew Apted, Andy Brewood and Luke Brennan. © EDGE Team, et al. 1998 - 2024.