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Ellie Ko edited this page Jan 2, 2022 · 3 revisions

Features for Sprint 2

Pivotal Tracker Link:

App url:

Nurse Login:

Email - [email protected]

Password - 12345

User Stories

These are the originally planned features for the second sprint.


  • Nurse assigns medication to student
  • Nurse stops medication
  • Nurse updates medication
  • User Login
  • User Logout
  • Nurse logs visits
  • Nurse adds meeting

Still in Progress:

  • Nurse gives medication in emergency
  • Nurse logs wrong does given
  • Nurse logs skipped dosages
  • Nurse views list of medications
  • Nurse dosage meeting page
  • Nurse views log in date range
  • Nurse checks schedule
  • Nurse adds guardian information to student

UI/Storyboard Sketches

Short Summary

Work Assignment

  • Moriz - Login system, branch coalescence, general help
  • Michael - Medication assignment
  • Tuoheng - Nurse schedule page and log viewing system
  • Ellie - Fix student problems after introducing new models, Nurse student meetings/log visit
  • Audry - Reporting medication errors

Our Progress

For the second sprint, we were not able to implement all user stories for our MVP. The login system, medication assignment, nurse student meetings, and logging visits are all in the main branch and deployed. However, some of these features could still use further enhancements and improved testing in the third sprint.

Login system is implemented and functional, but still need to force users unique and limit access to certain pages for different users (e.g., nurse or students).

Medication assignment now works but could have more details and still needs a way to distinguish medications assigned for an emergency. Medication assignment also needs BDD completed. (

There is a basic nurse schedule page but this needs to be improved. Log viewing system is still in progress. The BDD, TDD, and implementation is still being worked on.

The problems with student view with new models are fixed. Nurse now has a way to schedule meetings and log a visit, which will be more enhanced for Sprint 3 (searching student to add a schedule with, adding detailed log information is the current plan for enhancement). More TDD and BDD testing is also needed. (Each view of the implemented features is not yet consolidated so need to use the direct URL after logged in: -- this page has Meeting Details link which leads to Log Meeting)

Reporting medication errors is still in progress. There are currently issues with getting controllers to work properly with routes.


  • We had a similar problem to last week with solving most issues within the last two days.
    --> We need people to start working and bring up issues earlier. We also need more communication from the whole team.

  • We had a massive issue of communication. As people were working on their storied they ran into issues and did not bring them up to the group until far too late. Near the end we also had the issue of a lack of responses when people were asking what the progress was at and if they could help.
    --> We need to enforce more strict rules for making issues known.

  • Because of the communication issues above we also had issues with testing. Since people were unsure about how other sections were planned to be implemented the uncertainty delayed the testing start causing a big backlog.
    --> By having more communication at all stages, especially when it comes to the seams between tasks we hope to get cleared tests earlier in development.

  • We had a big issue with overlapping user stories again, which amplified the issue above.
    --> For the future we are planning to set up smaller groups to have fast-tracked communications paths for adjacent user stories.

  • None of the team had experience with working with nested routes and their implications, which caused a general stalling to progress.
    --> Now that some have completed the work related to nested routes we aim to have those teach the ones who did not and bring the team up to speed.