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Ellie Ko edited this page Jan 2, 2022 · 2 revisions

Features for Sprint 3

Pivotal Tracker Link:

App url:

Nurse Login (email = "[email protected]", password = "12345")

Administrator Login (email = "[email protected]", password = "12345")

Student Login (email = "[email protected]", password = "12345")

Guardian Login (email = "[email protected]", password = "12345")

User Stories

These are the originally planned features for the third sprint.


  • Administrator views stats
  • Administrator manages nurses
  • Administrator manages schools
  • Administrator manages medications
  • Administrator filtered pages
  • Administrator transfers student
  • Guardian enrolls with student
  • Guardian sees student meetings
  • User information email
  • Third party login Github
  • Nurse logs exception (missed meeting, wrong dose)
  • Nurse checks schedule
  • Nurse views log with filters
  • Nurse edits schedule
  • Nurse cancels schedule
  • Student views next refill
  • Student reviews med history

Did Not Finish:

  • Nurse gives medication in emergency
  • Administrator sees exception
  • Administrator views history of all medication
  • Guardian notified if student misses dosage

UI/Storyboard Sketches

Short Summary

Work Assignment

  • Moriz - 3rd party authentication, Guardian views, Page filtering and validations, Emailing system, Student transfers schools, Tests
  • Michael - medication assignment improvements, CRUD for Medications Schools and Nurses, stats page for administrator, merging
  • Tuoheng - Improve schedule page
  • Ellie - CRUD Meetings, Scheduling, Visit history, JavaScript filtering
  • Audry - Finishing reporting medication errors, Frontend redesign with bootstrap

Our Progress

The third sprint was our most ambitious. Major changes include a complete frontend redesign, new administrator actions, emailing system, and 3rd party authentication.

The 3rd party authenticator was implemented using omniauth and allows us to login with Github. For the emailing system, we used the mailgun gem which we used to send emails with passwords to students, guardians, and nurses when their accounts get created. A limitation of mailgun is the free version only lets us send emails to recipients which allow. New guardian views were created which lets the user see their student and student related information. Page filtering ensures that the four different user types can only see certain pages that they are authorized to view. Students can be transferred to different schools.

New CRUD was created for nurse, school, and medication so that the administrator add, edit, and remove these in the system. The administrator also got a new stats page which shows the number of meetings across all schools on each day and could be expanded to show other useful details. Medication assignment for a student can now also designate an amount, frequency, and description for that prescription. Now administrators can add nurses, students, schools, medications.

New CRUD was added for the meetings for nurses to keep track of students within the same school only and to add, edit, and log all meetings with them. In detail, nurses can add a meeting with an interval of 30 minutes and the scheduling system only allows a nurse to add a meeting if a time slot is available. Nurses can check the previous meetings that she/he had until yesterday with filters of logging at View History page. The default setting is to list every previous meeting, but it can be filtered out with only logged, not yet logged, logged as canceled.

Reporting medication error was added so that a nurse can report an error of medication that was given to student. Bootstrap was also added to improve our UI.


  • There are a lot of tech issues during this sprint until the last minute. One person wasn't able to run a debugger, another person wasn't able to run tests (they were taking forever), and we also have one person whose computer just died right before he made an important commit. --> Solution: we are not sure about these tech issues. They were just insane and we had to redo some of the work.
  • We have a big inequality of each one's ability in terms of the amount that one can finish, which led to unequal contribution of work. --> Solution: Individual needs to put some more effort to develop their ability and try to get help with their learning and progress.
  • Since some of us have more projects this week rather than during the final week, it was hard for them to do better, who was planning to spend more time during the final week. --> Someone who has those schedules should have been prepared and managed their time well.
  • Pull requests and merge should have been done earlier than this by all of us. --> We need better time management skills and also need to put more effort if something seems not doable in the first place.