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fren_gor edited this page Dec 5, 2020 · 5 revisions

UltimateScoreboards supports placeholders through PlaceholderAPI (PAPI).

To use placeholders inside your scoreboards firstly install PlaceholderAPI. Download it, then restart the server (DO NOT RELOAD) to load it.

At this point search the placeholders you need on the PlaceholderAPI wiki, then run the /papi ecloud download <expansionName> command to download the placeholders' expansion.

If you wish to have more information about PlaceholderAPI expansion-cloud visit their wiki page.

Now, you're ready to use placeholders inside your scoreboards. Simply edit the scoreboard config and create a new line under lines (for more information visit the config wiki page), then add the placeholders in the format %placeholder% in the line text and set placeholders to true.


  - line1
  - placeholderline
  - line2

    type: TEXT
    text: "&eThis &6is &5a &cline &9%player_name%"
    placeholders: true

N.B. Placeholders cannot be used when writing lines directly in scoreboard-lines.

 - line1
 - "Here's a placeholder: &9%player_name%" # WRONG!!
 - line2

UltimateScoreboards placeholders

UltimateScoreboards comes with some built-in placeholders, listed down below:

Placeholder Output
%ultimatescoreboards_currentScoreboard% The name of the current player scoreboard. custom if the scoreboard is created by a plugin (it doesn't exist as a config file) or none if the player isn't viewing any scoreboard.
%ultimatescoreboards_isViewing% true if the player is viewing a scoreboard, otherwise false.
%ultimatescoreboards_isViewingConfigScoreboard% true if the player is viewing a scoreboard from a config, otherwise false.
%ultimatescoreboards_scoreboardID% The id of the current player scoreboard or -1 if the player isn't viewing any scoreboard. Used mostly for bug reports.
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