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Extension Repository

white-gecko edited this page Jun 11, 2012 · 5 revisions

We got a centralized Repository for extensions. Every OntoWiki can browse the available extensions and provides a install mechanism: in the [Extension-Configurator] or directly at http://your-ontowiki/exconf/explorerepo

The Repository is quite unique. It is basically a SPARQL-endpoint, which contains a repo model which imports multiple extension-models. A extension model contains DOAP data. The client within the Extension Configurator queries this model for all doap:Projects (which are extensions in our case).

This is what the list of available extenions looks like: repoclient

You can register new extensions here. reposerver

Registering a new or updated extension with our repo is basically just a import of its DOAP description into the repo model. As the short documentation says there are four steps to register a new extension, which we will explain a bit deeper here.

Develop your OntoWiki extension and release it somewhere

Develop the source files (HowTo), test your extensions locally, package into a zip archive, put it on a accessable webserver. We recommend GitHub (you will have the autogenerated zip of the current state there).

Create an RDF document which describes your extension

"eat your semantic dogfood" - create a DOAP file (as Turtle, NTriple or RDF/XML). Have a look here for an example on what properties are required. For example:

  • name (doap:name - the internal id of the extension. e.g. the folder name),
  • title (rdfs:label - the human readable name,
  • author (doap:maintainer - a URI for the author),
  • description (doap:description - a short abstract of what the extension does),
  • link to the zip - either from the versions (property: doap:file-release) or from the project (property: (protip: if you use GitHub, this link can be omitted and the autogenerated zip of the master branch will be used), optional:
  • versions (older versions with each a zip),
  • extensions-internal config (look at the example - we came up with a rather complex way to encode multidimensional config arrays) optional: if you already have a default.ini file you can convert it with the file application/scripts/extensions-ini2n3.php (which takes a extension folder as an argument) (the script is currently only in the feature/semantic-extensions branch). This script is especially usefull when you have many config options.

Publish that description document as Linked Data on the web

protip: if you use GitHub, and you use the URL of the DOAP file as the URI of your extension (use that URI within the DOAP file), you will get pseudo-linked-data for free. for example the URI of the "site" extensions is (notice the "raw", which delivers the file and not a html view on it)

Ping this registry to integrate your extension meta data here

Either you enter this URI in the form on and hit submit

or (much more awesome) you "ping" the repository with a semantic pingback. The pingback should go to the pingback service at and should contain following data:

Your DOAP file should contain a triple which connects your extension with our repository e.g.: <yourExtensionURI> <> <>

The Repository listens to this event and will then retrieve your DOAP file and update its index. Your extensions becomes visible to millions of OntoWiki instances within seconds.