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jbrekle edited this page May 12, 2012 · 10 revisions

After install (see Guide), you will have to follow these steps to get OntoWiki up and running.


In order to install OntoWiki you need:

  • PHP 5.2 or higher
  • mod_rewrite allowed in target directory (optional, used for nice URIs and LinkedData features)
    • a2enmod rewrite
  • .htaccess allowed in target directory
  • One of these:
    • An installed MySQL Server or Virtuoso Server, a created database on that server and an account which is able to read and write that database or
    • An installed Virtuoso Server (see UsingOntoWikiWithVirtuoso for more information about OntoWiki and Virtuoso)
  • And of course the OntoWiki files. See GetOntowikiUsers

to setup this LAMP environment you can for example use this guide


This installation guide is for MySQL Backend users. If you want to use OntoWiki with Apache and Virtuoso or within Virtuoso as a VAD Package please have a look at our Virtuoso Setup Guide: VirtuosoBackend

If you want to use OntoWiki with MySQL, here we go ... we assume, you have a copy of OntoWiki at your webdirectory.

  1. create a mysql user for ontowiki (e.g. called "ontowiki")
  2. create a mysql database which is writable for the ontowiki user
  3. copy the config.ini-dist to config.ini and change the database config: in most cases, you have to change only these values store.zenddb.dbname, store.zenddb.username, store.zenddb.password
  4. go to the ontowiki root dir, run 'make deploy' - sets up Zend etc.
  5. open your OntoWiki Installation in your browser. On first run, all tables are created automatically and hopefully, you will see a starting screen containing a news area and a login window.

After Installation / First Steps

Now you have a fresh new OntoWiki installation. If you are new to OntoWiki, maybe it is interesting for you to visit out first steps documentation: Getting-Started-Users.

In case you need further help or want to communicate with other users and the developers, feel free use the OntoWiki User Mailinglist at Google Groups: