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jbrekle edited this page Jan 9, 2012 · 1 revision

Linked Data is a a method of exposing, sharing, and connecting data via dereferenceable URIs on the Web.

OntoWiki is a Linked Data server as well as a linked data client.

Table of Contents

What do I need to publish Linked Data with OntoWiki?

In order to publish you data as Linked Data, you have to follow these steps:

Activate the linked data plugin

it is default activated ...

Make sure your URIs are part of the OntoWiki installation namespace

If your OntoWiki is under you shoud create a Knowledge Base or similar and create your resources in it like .

Make sure your Knowledge Base is readable by the Anonymous User

Login as an Admin, search for Users in the System Config and and add your Knowledge Base to the property `readable model` for the Anonymous User.

It is also possible to restrict the access to your Linked data but this means that linked data clients need to authenticate with HTTP auth.

How can I test my Linked Data URIs?

On linux you can simply use this shell command with your URL: `wget -q -O - --header="Accept: application/rdf+xml" YOURURL` and look for the incomming RDF/XML.

If you want to try it with FOAF+SSL look there:

Another option is to use the public Linked Data validator service Vapour