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Editing Param Files

SMG edited this page Jul 7, 2018 · 6 revisions

Viewing param (.bin) files in Smash Forge

Smash Forge contains labels for many of the common .bin files. All of the labelled .bin files have a corresponind .ini file in the param_labels folder. You can still edit .bin files that do not have a label. In this case, the groups and values will have basic number labels. The files can be opened using File > Open > Open File or Ctrl + O. The following param files have complete or partially complete labels in Smash Forge. The material_params.ini file is a special file used just by Smash Forge for providing labels and descriptions for material parameters.

Labelled Param Files

  • allstar_param_cafe.bin
  • event_param.bin
  • fighter_param.bin
  • fighter_param_common.bin
  • fighter_param_vl_lizardon.bin
  • fighter_param_vl_luigi.bin
  • fighter_param_vl_mario.bin
  • fighter_param_vl_xxx.bin
  • global_parameter_menu.bin
  • item_assist_gen_param.bin
  • item_pokemon_gen_param.bin
  • item_stage_gen_param.bin
  • kumite_param_cafe.bin
  • light_set_param.bin
    • controls lighting parameters for character and stage models
    • controls diffuse, ambient, fresnel, specular, fog, and shadows
  • material_params.ini
    • used only by Forge for the Material editor
    • labels for material parameters
    • descriptions of material properties
  • render_param.bin
  • simple_cafe_param.bin
  • simple_character_db_cafe.bin
  • stage_param.bin
    • located in stage's param folder
    • files end in _stprm.bin
    • controls camera FOV, rotations, position, etc
  • stdat_Cave.bin
  • stdat_DKReturns.bin
  • stdat_DxOnett.bin
  • stdat_Gw3.bin
  • stdat_Hyrule64_f.bin
  • stdat_Kalos.bin
  • stdat_PikminU.bin
  • stdat_Pupupuland64_f.bin
  • stdat_Windyhill.bin
  • stdat_XDonkey.bin
  • stdat_XEmblem.bin
  • stdat_XMansion.bin
  • stdat_XOldin.bin
  • stdat_XPalutena.bin
  • stdat_XPirates_f.bin
  • stdat_YoshiU.bin
  • ui_button_sequence.bin
  • ui_character_db.bin
    • controls character slot number
    • controls character nameplates
  • ui_figure_db.bin
  • ui_movie_db.bin
  • ui_soft_db.bin
  • ui_sound_call_voice_db.bin
  • ui_stage_db.bin
  • worldsmash_param.bin

Param File Basic Structure

When you open a param file, it will be structured into different groups. Each group can have multiple entries. Additionally, each entry can have multiple different values. A param file that hasn't been researched yet might be structured as follows.

  • Group [1]
    • Entry [0]
      • 0
      • 1
      • 2
    • Entry [1]
      • 0
      • 1
    • Entry [2]
      • 0
      • 1
  • Group [2]
    • Entry [0]
      • 0
      • 1
    • Entry [1]
      • 0
      • 1

The second example is from a labelled .bin file.

  • Light set
    • Fighter light 0-1
      • 0
      • enabled
      • Hue

For each value in an entry, the left value is the label, and the right value is the value you are editing. For example:

Label Value
Hue 210
Color Saturation 0
Color Intensity 0.5

Editing Param files

Once you have opened the appropriate param file, the param file will open in a new tab in Smash Forge. You can expand the groups and edit any of the entry values. When you are finished, make sure you are on the param tab and go to File > Save or press Ctrl + S. You can save the file to a new location or overwrite the existing param file.