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2016 05 03_meetingsummary

baseendje edited this page Dec 11, 2020 · 1 revision

Present: Robert Clegg, Bastiaan Cockx, Stefan Lang

Bas has the library-as-a-subpackage implementation working, so Rob will clean up the ProcessManagers. Bas will write about it in the GuideForDevelopers

Stefan will test the shape stuff following Rob's restructuring, and create the getNewGrid() method in Shape (currently just a TODO)

Bas will start assigning manuscript writing roles, replace the citations in the Word file, and will add Stefan to the Mendeley group

Rob has asked Bas to implement the Cube surface object, but as low priority: this may be useful later in the eGUT project.

Some relevant things Rob has become aware of recently, that the others may be interested in:

  • The SOLID principles of object-oriented programming
  • JSON as a lightweight alternative to XML
  • The Constructor<?> class in Java
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