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2016 05 23_meetingsummary

baseendje edited this page Dec 11, 2020 · 1 revision

Morning meeting

Present: Robert Clegg, Bastiaan Cockx

Bas's visit to Newcastle

  • Very positive, people there keen to use iDyno2
  • IBM in microbiology wiki, with iDyno2 as a sub-wiki?

Output as XML

  • Bas has finished the structure, but is still implementing it throughout the source code
  • Currently working on Reaction stoichiometry
  • Shape classes are done, but not Dimension
  • Much of the stuff in ObjectFactory is being replaced with NodeConstructer approach
  • Bas is uncertain about how to read/write concentration arrays. Rob will check this

Removing aspect interface from process managers?

  • Leave for now, but needs to be done using XML output/input.
  • Obligatory aspects, requirements?

Reaction Library

  • Use as default, allow extra/exclude in a Compartment
  • Should be easy to code, as follows the SpeciesLib approach
  • Solutes could also be done, needs more thought

Process managers

  • SolveDiffusionTransient: Need to clarify how the agents grow
  • SolveChemostat: Need to do agent growth!


  • Rob has been working on Agent and soute boundary methods, getting there!
  • Tricky defining what is attached (i.e. biofilm) and what is floating in boundary layer
    • Boolean flag for sloughing on boundary layer
  • Poorly defined boundaries specifying solute concentrations on adjacent boundaries?
    • Spatially structured compartment with well-mixed sub-regions
    • Could we prohibit this?
    • Or flag a message and make not well-mixed?

Agent events for Toledo group

  • run other events?
  • change species (death, etc)

Afternoon meeting

Present: Robert Clegg, Stefan Lang

Restructure from Grid to Shape

  • Rob started restructure, Stefan has been continuing it
  • Making great progress but not quite done yet: errors
  • Resolution calculator: scale resolution instead of setting length as arc length - Rob agrees
  • Initialise with UniformResolution by default.. should we set this in the XML?
  • Enter into XML as degrees? Or read in "pi" string? Should be sorted when we introduce units
  • Grid types: strip away old grids and make SpatialGrid non-abstract
  • Iterator has switched from Grid to Shape elsewhere in code
  • Move stuff in linearAlgebra.PolarArray into CylindricalShape and SphericalShape
  • Stefan will let Rob know if any of the checkDimensions methods in Matrix or Array are causing problems, so he can fix it.
  • Rob will check Stefan's new approach to storing current boundary in CartesianShape
  • Setting the number of voxels per shell/ring is still unclear, especially the N_ZERO_FACTOR stuff. Stefan will clarify what is going on here!


  • Design concepts: ODD uses grid cell to mean many things, we should use "voxel"
  • Sub-voxel points: shape.subvoxel package and SolveDiffusionTransient ~lines 150-250
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