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2016 05 16_meetingsummary

baseendje edited this page Dec 11, 2020 · 1 revision

Present: Robert Clegg, Bastiaan Cockx, Stefan Lang

Manuscript writing

Figure formats: VSD (Microsoft Visual?), SVG?

Where to discuss the Process Managers? Fitting into the ODD protocol. Will want to adapt the ODD protocol, not stick to it exactly.

Bas has entered citations, switch to author-date while writing. Bas has assigned some roles

  • Introduction (Bas to organise, will need input from all authors)
  • Simulator-compartment (Rob)
  • Agents (Bas)
  • Environment (Rob)
  • Shape, grids, etc (Stefan)
  • Process overview and scheduling (Rob)
  • Design concepts (Stefan will look into these)
  • Observation (Bas)
  • Write about intended uses, but emphasise flexibility.
  • Initialisation, Input (Bas)
  • Submodels
  • Agent relaxation (Bas)
  • PDE solver (Rob)
  • ODE solver (Rob)
  • Boundaries/connections (Rob)
  • Case studies (Bas & Stefan)
  • Need to be careful about word count, maybe merge some
  • Discussion & Conclusion (Rob to organise, will need input from all authors)

Sections 4.2, 4.3 and 4.7 are top priorities

"Collectives": what are they?

We should get into the habit of letting others know when we're writing

Rob will delete manuscript folder in GitHub repository

Other notes

Cyclic neighbour: use -1 or correct coord

Stefan will move iterator tests from manual to automated

Need to check that the Shape iterator is not null before calling updateNVoxel

Default resolution should be for one voxel, expect to be overwritten

Coordinates in Shape should always be 3D - transfer over from Grid

Stuff should be stripped out of Grid, give it reference to the Shape

Output to XML is in progress, should be done once Bas gets back from Newcastle

Rob will put his meeting notes on GitHub

Set up larger group meeting for beginning of next week(?)

Clone this wiki locally