This is the repo for 's website redesign.
If modifying adhere files adhere to atomic programming standards. No need to be legalistic about it however it is a good idea to create components that have either 1 singular purpose or 1 abstracted singular purpose.
As you will see, the code structure and files are compartmentalized as much as possible so that it is simple to locate things.
Clean code is always a win.
Don't let deadlines be an excuse for sloppiness, this site was made in less than 2 weeks, and we still adhered to atomic programming as much as possible.
At the end of day, don't forget to have fun and learn lots. :)
- React
- Tailwind.css
- Next.js
- Deploy with original stack (AWS Amplify)
Need to put in new images to the landing page?
- Add images to the
folder, use a meaningful name if possible - In
:- There is
constant where you can update the path to your image according to the variable name. - Update the alt text for your photo in the same manner but with the
- There is
- Run the site locally to make sure the links are correct and nothing breaks before merging.
has to stay within the/pages
folder or else Next.js won't build correctly./public
folder has live site things, DO NOT CHANGE/src/types/*.*
don't touch anything in this folder.
Every media that needs to be on the site (exclude cursors and typefaces) go in the public
The structure is:
βββ public
β βββ <intuitive name for folder of things>
β βββ ...
βββ src
βββ ...
The actual code file is pretty simple:
is the folder with the necessary pages for the site to run, try not to modify it too much unless you need to change some tags./src/styles
is the folder for anything to do with styling- it consists of the
folder with the respective files global.css
is where hard-coded styles and definitive styles live.- Most styling is done in the
file that lives outside the /src/ folder.
- it consists of the
is a folder with a defaulthello.ts
api file. Modify this if necessary for apis.
Where you'll be coding the most
consists of all the components and utility files are./src/components/util
is a folder for util functions, constants, etc. Feel free to create new util files if you can't add any to the pre-existing ones
has all the different sections of the landing page. It is where changes can occur.- In a multipage site, this is where all the "pages" would go, but here it is just sections.
This site has dark/light mode configured automatically already.
Colours for dark mode are defined in global.css and the tailwind colours reference them.
Do not hard code hex/rgba/cmyk inline as this will not configure things properly.
Always install packages first before trying to launch locally.
npm install
# or
# or
pnpm install
# or
bun install
After packages are installed run locally
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app