What's Changed
- Anopheles diplotype clustering - fix n_snps in title by @sanjaynagi in #561
- Add defaults for min_minor_ac, max_missing_an by @leehart in #569
- Update switcher.json by @leehart in #574
- Add terms-of-use info to sample_metadata() by @leehart in #560
- Fix and improve plotting pairwise average fst by @alimanfoo in #579
- Add clip_min parameter for Fst GWSS analyses by @alimanfoo in #580
- Pandas FutureWarning: Setting an item of incompatible dtype is deprecated by @jonbrenas in #535
- Skip sample sets missing CNV HMM by @leehart in #575
Full Changelog: v11.0.0...v12.0.0