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JMC64 edited this page Mar 23, 2019 · 45 revisions

almost there / final steps

  • on the pd end of things, we just need to put together the elements from before, and make things start up on start-up.

  • in terms of the UI, a pd patch typically will use [terminal_tedium_adc] (for the CV inputs), [tedium_input] for the gates and switches; and [tedium_output] for gate outputs.

  • a most basic patch might look like so ... not really doing anything much at all:

  • the [loadbang] object in the centre puts out a bang when the patch is loaded and turns on the dsp (note that [dac~] and [adc~] aren't pictured). a little delay is required for that to work, thus [delay 300]. the bang also turns on the [metro] object for the ADC and inits the spidev ([open().

  • you have to run the patch with sudo because of the GPIO/SPI access.

  • the corresponding pcm5102a sketch would look basically similar, except for the GPIO numbers and the init message sent to terminal_tedium_adc (see here)

start up script

  • now, we need to come up with a start-up script, in which we launch pd and possibly a few other things as well. an example can be found here; something like this should be called during boot-up by rc.local.

  • note: when you've used the install script, the above script will be called rt_start and already live in /home/pi/terminal_tedium/software/.

  • you can easily expand it to run a pd patch on start-up, too. simply add (before the line that says exit) something like

## start pd
sudo puredata -nogui -rt /home/pi/nameofpatch.pd  &
  • note that -nogui flag. this is because there's no gui.

  • (more complex things (like changing patches) is possible of course, but this requires some more complex little programs running in the background. see the OSC client for some pointers.)

  • if it doesn't work, make sure the script is executable: sudo chmod 755.

  • If you get sudo: puredata: command not found use the full path to the binary.

finally ..

  • optimisations etc. there's lots of room for improvement/experimentation. you might consider using a different distribution, there's realtime kernels or using jack* (not ALSA). you're on your own here though.

  • some simple/basics things can be found in the rt_start script (also installed via, and invoked by rc.local) (in particular, note the line echo -n performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor).

  • in terms of audio latency, the best results (with pcm5102a) i got is with something like:

sudo puredata -noadc -nogui -rt -r 44100 -audiobuf 5 [yourpatch].pd ; though this is unlikely to run stable. you'll have to experiment with the size of the audio buffer.

  • as the wm8731 codec runs at a fixed clock, use 48k:

sudo puredata -noadc -nogui -rt -r 48000 -audiobuf 5 [yourpatch].pd

places to find Pd patches for Terminal Tedium

Here are a few places where you can find Pd patches that others have written for the Terminal Tedium.

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