A kinematics library for Reachy2 7 DoF robotic arms, providing precise and reliable tools for motion control.
- Symbolic Inverse Kinematics Solver:
- Provides exact solutions, free from numerical solver pitfalls like initial seed dependence or local minima.
- Handles joint limits.
- Solves reachability questions.
- Provides symbolic expressions for the null space — a fancy way of saying we can choose where to place the elbow on a circle.
- Task-Space Control Algorithm:
- Ensures joint-space continuity, even for multi-turn joints (e.g., wrist_yaw).
- Handles unreachable poses gracefully within trajectories.
- Customizable workspace and configuration parameters.
Learn the core concepts behind our symbolic inverse kinematics approach (French with English subtitles):
Use the following command to install:
$ pip install -e .[dev]
The optional [dev] option includes tools for developers.
Basics examples of an inverse kinematics call. The input is a Pose of dimension 6, the output is the 7 joints of the arm:
Example with SymbolicIK
import numpy as np
from reachy2_symbolic_ik.symbolic_ik import SymbolicIK
#Create the symbolic IK for the right arm
symbolic_ik = SymbolicIK(arm="r_arm")
# Define the goal position and orientation
goal_position = [0.55, -0.3, -0.15]
goal_orientation = [0, -np.pi / 2, 0]
goal_pose = np.array([goal_position, goal_orientation])
# Check if the goal pose is reachable
is_reachable, theta_interval, theta_to_joints_func, state = symbolic_ik.is_reachable(goal_pose)
# Get the joints for one elbow position, defined by the angle theta
if is_reachable:
# Choose a theta in the interval
# if theta_interval[0] < theta_interval[1], theta can be any value in the interval
# else theta can be in the intervals [-np.pi, theta_interval[1]] or [theta_interval[0], np.pi]
theta = theta_interval[0]
# Get the joints
joints, elbow_position = theta_to_joints_func(theta)
print(f"Pose is reachable \nJoints: {joints}")
print("Pose not reachable")
Example with ControlIK
import numpy as np
from reachy2_symbolic_ik.control_ik import ControlIK
from reachy2_symbolic_ik.utils import make_homogenous_matrix_from_rotation_matrix
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
# Create the control IK for the right arm
control = ControlIK(urdf_path="../config_files/reachy2.urdf")
# Define the goal position and orientation
goal_position = [0.55, -0.3, -0.15]
goal_orientation = [0, -np.pi / 2, 0]
goal_pose = np.array([goal_position, goal_orientation])
goal_pose = make_homogenous_matrix_from_rotation_matrix(goal_position, R.from_euler("xyz", goal_orientation).as_matrix())
# Get joints for the goal pose
# The control type can be "discrete" or "continuous"
# If the control type is "discrete", the control will choose the best elbow position for the goal pose
# If the control type is "continuous", the control will choose a elbow position that insure continuity in the joints
control_type = "discrete"
joints, is_reachable, state = control.symbolic_inverse_kinematics("r_arm", goal_pose, control_type)
if is_reachable:
print(f"Pose is reachable \nJoints: {joints}")
print("Pose not reachable")
Example with SDK
For this example, you will need Reachy2 SDK
import time
import numpy as np
from reachy2_sdk import ReachySDK
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
from reachy2_symbolic_ik.utils import make_homogenous_matrix_from_rotation_matrix
# Create the ReachySDK object
print("Trying to connect on localhost Reachy...")
reachy = ReachySDK(host="localhost")
if reachy._grpc_status == "disconnected":
print("Failed to connect to Reachy, exiting...")
# Define the goal pose
goal_position = [0.55, -0.3, -0.15]
goal_orientation = [0, -np.pi / 2, 0]
goal_pose = np.array([goal_position, goal_orientation])
goal_pose = make_homogenous_matrix_from_rotation_matrix(goal_position, R.from_euler("xyz", goal_orientation).as_matrix())
# Get joints for the goal pose
joints = reachy.r_arm.inverse_kinematics(goal_pose)
# Go to the goal pose
reachy.r_arm.goto(joints, duration=4.0, degrees=True, interpolation_mode="minimum_jerk", wait=True)
Check the /src/example
folder for complete examples.
To ensure everything is functioning correctly, run the unit tests.
$ pytest
Some unit tests need Reachy2 SDK.
You can decide which test you want to run with a flag.
- sdk : run tests with sdk
- cicd : run tests using only reachy2_symbolic_ik
Example :
$ pytest -m cicd
$ python3 -m pytest -m cicd
A URDF file is provided in 'src/config_files/reachy2.urdf'. This file is used if the user does not provide a URDF file when initializing the ControlIK class.
To regenerate the URDF file, you can use the following command from the root of the repository in the Docker container:
$ xacro ../../reachy_ws/src/reachy2_core/reachy_description/urdf/reachy.urdf.xacro "use_fake_hardware:=true" > src/config_files/reachy2.urdf
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.