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Cookbook: Launching IPython on OSX

Miki Tebeka edited this page Jul 31, 2013 · 1 revision

As a keyboard geek, the following solution seems to work. (Note that this script uses iTerm2).

Copy the following script to a file called ipy in ~/bin. To launch, hit APPLE+SPACE - this will open Spotlight window. In this window type ipy and hit ENTER. You should have a new iTerm window with IPython shell.


-- Run ipython on a new iTerm (OS X version)
-- See

tell application "iTerm"
    set ipyterm to (make new terminal)
    tell ipyterm
        set ipysession to (make new session)
        tell ipysession
            set name to "IPython"
            exec command "/opt/local/bin/ipython"
        end tell
    end tell
end tell

If you want VIm keybindings, add the following to your ~/.inputrc:

set editing-mode vi
tab: complete
set completion-ignore-case on
set blink-matching-paren on
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