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Brian Granger edited this page Feb 13, 2013 · 1 revision

The ipipe extension provides a handy way to browse and manipulate tabular data, e.g. groups of files or environment variables.

Activating ipipe

As the directory IPython/Extensions is on the path, you can simply import ipipe's content to activate it:

In [1]: from ipipe import *

If you want to have it active every time you start IPython, put something like the following into your IPython configuration script (~/.ipython/ (on Linux/Mac) or ~/_ipython/ (on Windows)):

from IPython import ipapi
ipapi.get().ex("from ipipe import *")

Basic usage

ipipe provides several "pipes", for example ils gives you a directory listing:

In [1]: ils

If you have a working curses (i.e. on Linux or a Mac), you'll get an interactive browser where you can scroll around with the cursor keys, enter directories by pressing RETURN and leave them again by pressing BACKSPACE (or "x"). If you want to know more about the available keyboard commands, press "h" (for 0.7.2; for 0.7.3 this is "?" (changed in r1367)). Press "q" to leave the browser and get back to the IPython prompt. If you have wxPython installed (but no curses), you'll get a wx-based browser. If you don't have wx installed either, you'll get a simple "dump" of the data.

It's possible to specify the starting directory simply by passing an argument to ils: ils("~") will list your home directory (ils is equivalent to ils() and ils(".")).

iwalk gives you a recursive directory listing:

In [1]: iwalk("~/checkouts/IPython/current", dirs=False)

(dirs=False hides all directories.)

All the files emitted by ils and iwalk are legal "path" objects (from (actually they are ifile objects. ifile is a subclass of path, which adds the attributes relevant for ipipe).

Other output formats

ipipe installs a displayhook to detect pipes that it can display in the browser. But you can also explicitly pipe something into an output object (either because it's an iterable which doesn't get displayed automatically in the browser, or you want to use a different output format). idump is such an output format. It simply dumps the table to the screen (which is the default on Windows). (Another one is igrid, which is the wx-based browser):

In [1]: ils | idump
_                           |type         |size   |modestr  |owner |group|mdate
..                          |dir          |    61L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:15.589658
.svn                        |dir          |   153L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-03 15:27:00.101580
ChangeLog                   |file, symlink|215191L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:33.054260
IPython                     |dir          |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-03 15:20:42.756658                 |file         |   571L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.737318
README                      |file         |   482L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.384305
README_Windows.txt          |file         |  1631L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.380305
debian                      |dir          |   126L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:18.166747
doc                         |dir          |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:33.837287                 |file         |   524L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.454308                  |file         |   415L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.235300
scripts                     |dir          |    79L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:18.305752                    |file         |  6675L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.381305          |file         |   468L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.385306
setupext                    |dir          |    61L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:18.034742
test                        |dir          |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:17.477723
tools                       |dir          |   103L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:28.145091|file         |  4477L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.061294
In [1]: import sys
In [2]: sys.path | idump

Dictionaries, modules and multiline strings get special treatment by ibrowse, igrid and idump, so you can do the following:

In [1]: import keyword
In [2]: keyword | idump
key         |value
__all__     |['iskeyword', 'kwlist']
__builtins__|{'IndexError': <class exceptions.IndexError at 0xb7c468fc>, 'help': Type help() for interactive help, or help(object) for help about object., 'vars': <built-in function vars>, 'SyntaxError': <class exceptions.SyntaxError at 0xb7c4677c>...
__doc__     |Keywords (from "graminit.c")\n\nThis file is automatically generated; please don\'t muck it up!\n\nTo update the symbols in this file, \'cd\' to the top directory of\nthe python source tree after building the interpreter and run:\n\n    python Lib/\n
__file__    |/usr/local/lib/python2.4/keyword.pyc
__name__    |keyword
iskeyword   |<built-in method __contains__ of frozenset object at 0xb7a4030c>
kwlist      |['and', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'exec', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'print', ...
main        |<function main at 0xb7a2e8ec>
In [1]: import mimetypes
In [2]: mimetypes.common_types | idump
key  |value
.xul |text/xul
.pic |image/pict
.jpg |image/jpg
.mid |audio/midi
.rtf |application/rtf
.pct |image/pict
In [1]: import os
In [2]: os.__doc__ | idump
OS routines for Mac, DOS, NT, or Posix depending on what system we're on.
This exports:
  - all functions from posix, nt, os2, mac, or ce, e.g. unlink, stat, etc.
  - os.path is one of the modules posixpath, ntpath, or macpath
  - is 'posix', 'nt', 'os2', 'mac', 'ce' or 'riscos'
  - os.curdir is a string representing the current directory ('.' or ':')
  - os.pardir is a string representing the parent directory ('..' or '::')
  - os.sep is the (or a most common) pathname separator ('/' or ':' or '\\\\')
  - os.extsep is the extension separator ('.' or '/')
  - os.altsep is the alternate pathname separator (None or '/')
  - os.pathsep is the component separator used in $PATH etc
  - os.linesep is the line separator in text files ('\\r' or '\\n' or '\\r\\n')
  - os.defpath is the default search path for executables
  - os.devnull is the file path of the null device ('/dev/null', etc.)
Programs that import and use 'os' stand a better chance of being
portable between different platforms.  Of course, they must then
only use functions that are defined by all platforms (e.g., unlink
and opendir), and leave all pathname manipulation to os.path
(e.g., split and join).

Using idump for docstrings doesn't look too useful, but if you're using ibrowse or igrid you can scroll around in the docstring.


You can pipe the output of ils and iwalk (and anything else that is iterable) into all sorts of filters.


ifilter can be used to drop some objects from the result. For example, the following will give you all .pyc files:

In [1]: iwalk | ifilter("_.endswith('.pyc')") | idump
_                                     |type|size   |modestr  |owner |group|mdate
IPython/ColorANSI.pyc                 |file|  6340L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-03 15:20:42.756658
IPython/ConfigLoader.pyc              |file|  3746L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:18.059960
IPython/CrashHandler.pyc              |file|  3958L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:19.540010
IPython/DPyGetOpt.pyc                 |file| 16498L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:17.256932
IPython/Debugger.pyc                  |file|  8186L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:17.710948
IPython/FakeModule.pyc                |file|  1687L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:18.629979
IPython/Itpl.pyc                      |file| 10913L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:17.187930
IPython/Logger.pyc                    |file|  6324L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:18.644980
IPython/Magic.pyc                     |file| 99434L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:18.728983
IPython/OInspect.pyc                  |file| 12843L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:18.553977
IPython/OutputTrap.pyc                |file|  7789L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:18.086961
IPython/Prompts.pyc                   |file| 15985L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:19.080995
IPython/PyColorize.pyc                |file|  6345L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:17.884954
IPython/Release.pyc                   |file|  2353L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:16.802917
IPython/Shell.pyc                     |file| 30596L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:18.113962
IPython/__init__.pyc                  |file|  2524L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:16.735914
IPython/background_jobs.pyc           |file| 16823L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:19.410006
IPython/completer.pyc                 |file| 16190L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:23.144134
IPython/deep_reload.pyc               |file|  4945L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:16.787916
IPython/excolors.pyc                  |file|  1687L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:17.942956
IPython/genutils.pyc                  |file| 56346L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:16.842918
IPython/hooks.pyc                     |file|  6712L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:17.950956
IPython/ipapi.pyc                     |file|  6522L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:17.958956
IPython/iplib.pyc                     |file| 56367L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 12:21:24.756600
IPython/ipmaker.pyc                   |file| 13750L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:19.486009
IPython/ipstruct.pyc                  |file| 14869L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:17.474940
IPython/macro.pyc                     |file|   825L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:18.870988
IPython/platutils.pyc                 |file|   975L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:18.903989
IPython/platutils_dummy.pyc           |file|   706L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:19.520010
IPython/platutils_posix.pyc           |file|  1147L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:19.016993
IPython/platutils_win32.pyc           |file|   713L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:19.498009
IPython/rlineimpl.pyc                 |file|  1441L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:17.341935
IPython/ultraTB.pyc                   |file| 26927L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:17.498941
IPython/usage.pyc                     |file| 30562L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:19.473008
IPython/wildcard.pyc                  |file|  5292L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:18.599978
IPython/Extensions/__init__.pyc       |file|   574L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:19.676015
IPython/Extensions/clearcmd.pyc       |file|  1525L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:22.987128
IPython/Extensions/ext_rehashdir.pyc  |file|  3126L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:22.013095
IPython/Extensions/ext_rescapture.pyc |file|  2016L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:22.049096
IPython/Extensions/ipipe.pyc          |file|106531L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-03 15:56:47.122835
IPython/Extensions/ipy_system_conf.pyc|file|   657L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:21.830089
IPython/Extensions/path.pyc           |file| 27434L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:21.302071
IPython/Extensions/pickleshare.pyc    |file|  9252L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:18.530976
IPython/Extensions/pspersistence.pyc  |file|  5482L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 10:28:22.438110

The code string passed to the ifilter constructor can reference each object from the input pipe as _. You can also reference attributes of this object directly:

In [1]: ils | ifilter("_.isfile() and size>1000") | idump
_                           |type         |size   |modestr  |owner |group|mdate
ChangeLog                   |file, symlink|215191L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:33.054260
README_Windows.txt          |file         |  1631L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.380305                    |file         |  6675L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.381305|file         |  4477L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.061294

It's also possible to pass callables to the ifilter constructor:

In [1]: iwalk | ifilter(lambda _:_.isfile() and _.size>1000)


Another useful filter is isort. It sorts the input. You can pass the sort key as a code string (or a callable):

In [1]: ils | isort("len(_)") | idump
_                           |type         |size   |modestr  |owner |group|mdate
..                          |dir          |    61L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:15.589658
doc                         |dir          |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:33.837287
.svn                        |dir          |   153L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-03 15:52:34.104150
test                        |dir          |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:17.477723
tools                       |dir          |   103L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:28.145091
README                      |file         |   482L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.384305
debian                      |dir          |   126L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:18.166747
IPython                     |dir          |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-03 15:20:42.756658
scripts                     |dir          |    79L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:18.305752                    |file         |  6675L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.381305
setupext                    |dir          |    61L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:18.034742
ChangeLog                   |file, symlink|215191L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:33.054260                  |file         |   415L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.235300                 |file         |   571L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.737318                 |file         |   524L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.454308
README_Windows.txt          |file         |  1631L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.380305          |file         |   468L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.385306|file         |  4477L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.061294

Reverse sorting is available too:

In [1]: ils | isort("size", reverse=True) | idump
_                           |type         |size   |modestr  |owner |group|mdate
ChangeLog                   |file, symlink|215191L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:33.054260                    |file         |  6675L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.381305|file         |  4477L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.061294
IPython                     |dir          |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-03 15:20:42.756658
doc                         |dir          |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:33.837287
test                        |dir          |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:17.477723
README_Windows.txt          |file         |  1631L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.380305                 |file         |   571L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.737318                 |file         |   524L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.454308
README                      |file         |   482L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.384305          |file         |   468L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.385306                  |file         |   415L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.235300
.svn                        |dir          |   153L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-03 15:52:34.104150
debian                      |dir          |   126L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:18.166747
tools                       |dir          |   103L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:28.145091
scripts                     |dir          |    79L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:18.305752
..                          |dir          |    61L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:15.589658
setupext                    |dir          |    61L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:18.034742


Finally there's ieval, which evaluates an expression on each input object. For example you can turn the entries from sys.path into real ifile objects like this:

In [1]: import sys
In [2]: sys.path | ieval(ifile) | idump
_                                                                             |type        |size   |modestr  |owner  |group  |mdate
.                                                                             |OSError     |OSError|OSError  |OSError|OSError|OSError
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current                                    |dir         |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter |users  |2006-05-03 15:52:34.104150
/var/home/walter/dist-py                                                      |dir         |    41L|rwxrwxr-x|walter |users  |2005-07-05 12:04:28.676697
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current                                    |dir         |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter |users  |2006-05-03 15:52:34.104150
/var/home/walter/pythonroot                                                   |dir, symlink|    56L|rwxrwxr-x|walter |users  |2006-03-14 12:20:02.379872
/usr/local/lib/svn-python                                                     |OSError     |OSError|OSError  |OSError|OSError|OSError
/usr/local/lib/                                                   |OSError     |OSError|OSError  |OSError|OSError|OSError
/usr/local/lib/python2.4                                                      |dir         | 16384L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2005-10-17 14:54:32.928771
/usr/local/lib/python2.4/plat-linux2                                          |dir         |  4096L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2005-10-03 14:02:51.373131
/usr/local/lib/python2.4/lib-tk                                               |dir         |  4096L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2005-10-03 14:02:48.697041
/usr/local/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload                                          |dir         |  4096L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2005-10-03 14:03:17.854024
/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages                                        |dir         |  4096L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2006-05-02 10:28:12.022753
/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/PIL                                    |dir         |  8192L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2005-08-09 09:47:07.166087
/var/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Django-0.91-py2.4.egg              |dir         |    34L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2006-02-23 18:07:07.730865
/var/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pysqlite-2.1.3-py2.4-linux-i686.egg|dir         |    57L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2006-02-23 18:53:35.671621
/var/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/setuptools-0.6a10-py2.4.egg        |dir         |  4096L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2006-03-06 16:56:11.203583
/var/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Cheetah-1.0-py2.4-linux-i686.egg   |dir         |    35L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2006-03-06 16:56:45.921711
/var/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/RhubarbTart-0.6dev_r4814-py2.4.egg |dir         |    39L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2006-03-06 16:57:08.293438
/var/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/PasteDeploy-0.4-py2.4.egg          |dir         |    33L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2006-03-06 16:57:10.143499
/var/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Paste-0.5dev_r4832-py2.4.egg       |dir         |    33L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2006-03-06 16:57:30.387157
/var/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/PasteScript-0.5dev_r4834-py2.4.egg |dir         |    33L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2006-03-06 16:57:38.582423
/var/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.1.3-py2.4.egg         |dir         |    38L|rwxr-xr-x|root   |staff  |2006-03-07 15:20:13.822043
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/IPython/Extensions                 |dir         |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter |users  |2006-05-03 15:56:47.119835
/var/home/walter/.ipython                                                     |dir         |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter |users  |2006-05-03 16:04:30.605747

Or you can get absolute paths for the output of ils like this:

In [1]: ils | ieval("_.abspath()") | idump
_                                                                      |type         |size   |modestr  |owner |group|mdate
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython                                     |dir          |    61L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:15.589658
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/.svn                        |dir          |   153L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-03 15:52:34.104150
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/ChangeLog                   |file, symlink|215191L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:33.054260
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/IPython                     |dir          |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-03 15:20:42.756658
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/                 |file         |   571L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.737318
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/README                      |file         |   482L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.384305
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/README_Windows.txt          |file         |  1631L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.380305
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/debian                      |dir          |   126L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:18.166747
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/doc                         |dir          |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:33.837287
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/                 |file         |   524L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.454308
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/                  |file         |   415L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.235300
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/scripts                     |dir          |    79L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:18.305752
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/                    |file         |  6675L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.381305
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/          |file         |   468L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.385306
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/setupext                    |dir          |    61L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:18.034742
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/test                        |dir          |  4096L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:17.477723
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/tools                       |dir          |   103L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:28.145091
/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/|file         |  4477L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.061294

Other pipes


You can use iglob for getting files that match a certain pattern (it uses glob.glob() internally):

In [1]: iglob("*.py") | idump
_                           |type|size |modestr  |owner |group|mdate|file|4477L|rw-rw-r--|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.061294                  |file| 415L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.235300                    |file|6675L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.381305          |file| 468L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.385306                 |file| 524L|rwxrwxr-x|walter|users|2006-05-02 09:51:34.454308


ienv will give you the environment variables:

In [1]: ienv | isort("key") | ifilter("'PY' in key") | idump
key          |value
PYTHONPATH   |/var/home/walter/dist-py:.:/var/home/walter/pythonroot:/usr/local/lib/svn-python


If you have a working pwd module, ipwd will give you the Unix password database:

In [1]: ipwd | ifilter("uid < 10") | idump
name  |passwd|uid|gid  |gecos |dir            |shell
root  |x     |  0|    0|root  |/root          |/bin/bash
daemon|x     |  1|    1|daemon|/usr/sbin      |/bin/sh
bin   |x     |  2|    2|bin   |/bin           |/bin/sh
sys   |x     |  3|    3|sys   |/dev           |/bin/sh
sync  |x     |  4|65534|sync  |/bin           |/bin/sync
games |x     |  5|   60|games |/usr/games     |/bin/sh
man   |x     |  6|   12|man   |/var/cache/man |/bin/sh
lp    |x     |  7|    7|lp    |/var/spool/lpd |/bin/sh
mail  |x     |  8|    8|mail  |/var/mail      |/bin/sh
news  |x     |  9|    9|news  |/var/spool/news|/bin/sh


igrp will give you the Unix group database:

In [1]: igrp | ifilter("gid < 10") | idump
name  |passwd|gid|mem
root  |x     |  0|[]
daemon|x     |  1|[]
bin   |x     |  2|[]
sys   |x     |  3|[]
adm   |x     |  4|[]
tty   |x     |  5|[]
disk  |x     |  6|['backup']
lp    |x     |  7|[]
mail  |x     |  8|[]
news  |x     |  9|[]

Using pipes in loops

A pipe is iterable, so it's possible to use a pipe in a loop:

In [1]: for f in iwalk("~/checkouts/IPython/current", dirs=False) | ifilter("_.endswith('.pyc')")
   ...:     f.remove()

Pipes support __getitem__, so to get the last .pyc file can you do:

In [1]: (iwalk("~/checkouts/IPython/current", dirs=False) | ifilter("_.endswith('.pyc')"))[-1]
Out[1]: ifile('/var/home/walter/checkouts/IPython/current/IPython/Extensions/pspersistence.pyc')

It's possible to add [:SupportingIPipe:support for ipipe] to your own classes too.

Creating Field Tables

It's easy to create custom one-off tables by using the FieldTable class, like this:

[tools]|37> f = ipipe.FieldTable('name','addr')
[tools]|38> f.add(name = 'Aku Ankka', addr = 'elm street')
[tools]|39> f.add(name = 'Iines Ankka', addr = 'some street')
[tools]|40> f
name       |addr
Aku Ankka  |elm street
Iines Ankka|some street
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