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Details of Use Cases (enabled as of now) (Attendance)

RinkleDang edited this page Sep 7, 2022 · 5 revisions

A. Updating attendance for other entities (eg: Student Attendance)

1. Add Attendance

As a teacher, I select a class. I mark attendance for the students belonging to the class for the particular day and save it so that I can record the presence / absence of my students at a regular frequency.

User Stories

  • User clicks on ‘My Classes’ on the home screen and then selects the class in which the entities are to be marked.

  • User views a detailed page of the class and clicks on 'Mark Attendance'.

  • User views a list of entities with their details in a particular order (eg: alphabetically) for whom attendance is to be updated.

  • User views the past attendance of each entity while marking attendance, horizontally scrollable till a particular time period.

  • User updates the status of the entity by clicking on edit and tapping on the circles (eg: Present / Absent / Unmarked) for the day.

  • User can also search the name of the student in the attendance register to update attendance for particular entities.

  • User clicks on each student to view or edit the details. If the teacher clicks on 'See More', a detailed view of the student appears.

  • After marking attendance for some / all entities, the user clicks on ‘Submit' to save the marked attendance. Marked attendance will be submitted automatically at the set time.

  • User can also click on 'Mark All Present' to mark all entities in the selected class at once.

Corner cases

  • Other teachers in a school can mark and edit attendance for other classes that they are not allocated for a particular day. They can click on 'Choose another class' on 'My classes' screen to choose any other class in the school.

  • In case there is a missing detail for a particular entity, it should appear as 'Not entered' in the student list / attendance register.

  • If there is no past attendance, the horizontal scroll is disabled.

  • If the attendance is not complete till cutoff time, incomplete attendance should be submitted with unmarked students labelled as ‘Not Marked’ for that date.

2. Edit Attendance

As a teacher, I can edit the marked attendance for the day before submission time so that I can maintain an updated record of my students’ attendance.

User Stories

  • Post marking attendance, the user edits attendance (if enabled by the admin) through the same flow as marking attendance for the particular day.

Corner Cases

  • The user will only be able to edit the attendance for the day till the submission time.

3. Summary Reports

As a teacher, I can view summary reports so that I can make quick decisions regarding students' attendance in my class.

User Stories

  • Post clicking on 'Submit' after marking attendance, the user views brief insights on overall attendance of the class on that day, including overall attendance in the class and a summary of students with 100% attendance.

  • Post viewing insights, the user can choose to view the full summary report for more data points.

Corner Cases

  • If the attendance is edited by the user, the report is generated again according to the latest entries.

4. Aggregated Reports

As a teacher, I can view and compare aggregated reports on student attendance so that I can always refer to any past attendance data.

User Stories

  • User clicks on 'See Full Report' post viewing the one-page summary report.

  • In order to look at aggregated reports, the user can also choose 'Reports' from attendance screen.

  • User chooses the class for which the report needs to be viewed.

  • When the user chooses a particular class, the summary report opens up within the accordion. The user can also select the type of report - Weekly or Monthly.

  • The user can choose to view the full report.

Corner Cases

  • If the past attendance (if enabled by admin) is edited by the user, the reports for that day and month are generated again according to the latest entries.

5. Trigger Attendance Notifications

As a teacher, I can view messages (being sent by admin) & send messages to parents regarding student attendance so that I can communicate with the parents regarding their child’s attendance.

User Stories

  • Post marking attendance, User can choose to send a message to students / parents on their own related to attendance by clicking on 'Send Another Message'.

  • A screen appears where the user enters the class to which the notification has to be sent, module, event trigger and channel through which the notification is being sent.

  • A template appears based on the chosen module, event trigger and channel along with a recipient list (which gets auto-populated basis the event trigger).

  • If the user clicks on ‘Review & Send now’, a summary is shown to confirm the notification being sent. The user can then click on 'Send Message' to send it to the recipients.

  • If the user chooses to schedule a notification by clicking on ‘Send later’, he / she chooses the date, month and time for the notification. The notification is automatically sent at the scheduled time.

Corner Cases

  • If there is no available communication service or template, the option to send message is disabled.

B. Updating attendance for self

1. Add Attendance

As a user (teacher / mentor / monitor), I am able to mark my location-tagged presence / absence so that I have a complete record of my attendance.

User Stories

  • The user clicks on the profile icon on the home screen and chooses to mark present, absent, on special duty or on leave for the day. If the user selects 'On Special Duty', the user chooses the exact duty.

  • If the user chooses ‘Present / On Special Duty’, he / she tags his / her location and uploads image (dependent on admin configurations).

  • Once the attendance is marked, a tick that appears on the profile icon.

  • If no attendance is marked by the user, ‘Unmarked’ is sent at the time of submission.

  • The attendance for the day can be edited by the user till it has been submitted.

  • Attendance is automatically submitted to the state at the set cutoff time. Unmarked attendance is submitted as ‘Unmarked’ at the submission time.

Corner Cases

  • If the user doesn’t consent for location access to the application, it gives an alert to the user that attendance can’t be marked if location isn’t allowed (in case the admin has enabled capturing locations).

  • If the user doesn’t consent for camera access to the application, it gives an alert to the user that attendance can’t be marked if camera access isn’t allowed (in case the admin has enabled capturing images).

2. Edit Attendance

As a teacher, I can edit the marked attendance for the day before submission time so that I can maintain an updated record of my own attendance.

User Stories

  • Post marking attendance, the user edits attendance (if enabled by the admin) through the same flow as marking attendance for the particular day.

Corner Cases

  • The user will only be able to edit the attendance for the day till the submission time.

3. View Reports

As a user (teacher / mentor / monitor), I can view my attendance report so that I can have a look at my attendance performance to analyse the same.

User Stories

  • User clicks on the profile icon and clicks on 'Go to Profile'. User then chooses 'Attendance Report' and views a detailed report.

  • User selects a particular month from the report and views the details of the attendance for that day.

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