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Overview of Use Cases (enabled as of now) (Visits)

RinkleDang edited this page Sep 12, 2022 · 4 revisions

1. Viewing Schools to be Visited

The vision of the ‘Viewing Schools to be Visited’ feature is to enable entities (mentor / monitor) in the education ecosystem to view and follow their school visits to be done and also receive recommendations for specific schools based on their academic or past visit data.

Today, mentoring / monitoring visits are scheduled in an unstructured manner through messages / calls between mentors and monitors. In other cases, the mentors / monitors are told by their supervisors the schools that they have to visit each morning.

With this module, the mentors / monitors will be able to view all of their visits with recommendations.

  • View Schools to be Visited: As a user (mentor / monitor), I view a list of schools which I need to visit. I can click on a school to view its administrative & academic details, including the location and image of the school to be able to identify and reach at the right place. When a visit is completed, it is marked as done, and can refer to any pending visits from the past.

  • View Recommendations: As a user (mentor / monitor), I get recommendations for schools to be visited on priority based on parameters like those not covered in the last 2 months.

2. Starting Visit & Recording Observations

The vision of the ‘start visit’ feature is to enable entities (mentor / monitor) in the education ecosystem to record observations for a school or a teacher based on a questionnaire. The questionnaire will be set by the State Admin.

Today, mentors / monitors record observations made during visits either on a paper or an application where a questionnaire is present.

With this module, the mentors / monitors will be able to start a visit & record visit observations.

  • Start Visit & Record Observations: As a user (mentor / monitor), I can start a visit where a set questionnaire appears. I can fill the questionnaire to be able to record observations for the school or for the teacher.

3. Viewing Past Visit Details:

The vision of the ‘View Past Visit Details’ feature is to enable entities (mentor / monitor) in the education ecosystem to be able to view summary statistics for all the visits done or to view the details of a single visit. The user can refer to these to check the remaining target to be met or to have a quick look at the past mentoring data before visiting a school / teacher.

Currently, mentors / monitors who use different applications for mentoring / monitoring purposes can view the summary & details on the app itself. For those who don’t, it becomes difficult for them to be able to look through the pages for this level of data.

With this module, the mentors / monitors will be able to quickly look & synthesize summary & detailed information and take actions based on the same.

  • View Overall Summary Statistics: As a user (mentor / monitor), I choose to view the summary statistics and get data points like total target, target met, target remaining.

  • View Single Visit Detail: As a user (mentor / monitor), I can select a particular visit made in the past (school & date) and view the questionnaire and the responses that were filled in the same.

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