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Tobias Blomberg edited this page Jun 29, 2014 · 2 revisions

This module implements a simple voice mail system to be used by the local node users. It is not possible to send voice mails to users at other nodes. To be able to use the voice mail module you must have a personal login ID and password. Contact your sysop to get these.

When the module is activated (default 3#) you will be prompted to enter your login ID and password. The login ID always is three digits long. The password can be between one to seven digits long. Enter your login ID and password in one sequence like 123456# if your login ID is 123 and your password is 456. After that, context menus will guide you through using the system. An empty command (#) will abort the current operation.

The recommended way of encoding user IDs is the "phone method". Many phones have letters on the key pad like: 2=ABC, 3=DEF, 4=GHI, 5=JKL, 6=MNO, 7=PQRS, 8=TUV, 9=WXYZ. To encode the callsign SM0SVX, use the three last letters and map them to digits. Then we will get the user ID 789. In case of a collision, add 1. For example AFC and ADB will both map to 232. One possible mapping is then AFC=232 and ADB=233. When using this method to encode user IDs, it will be possible for a user to guess another user’s user ID.

wiki:ModuleEchoLink:500px Mobile phone keyboard.svg

It is possible for the sysop to configure an e-mail address for each user. If this has been done, an e-mail will be sent to the user if someone records a new voice mail for him.

To deactivate the module, just press # when the main menu is active.

Recording a voice mail

To start recording a voice mail, command 2# is used. The system will then ask you for a recipient. You can combine these two steps by entering the user ID directly after the command. For example if you want to record a voice mail for user 123, send the sequence 2123#. After that you will first be prompted to record a short subject. Keep it as short as possible. Then a voice prompt will urge you to record the actual message.

There are maximum recording times enforced for the subject and message body. These are configurable by the sysop. The default values are 10 seconds for the subject and two minutes for the message body.

Listening to received voice mails

To listen to received voice mails, send command 1#. The fist stored voice mail will then be played back, first the subject and then immediately the actual message. After the message has been played the user is given three options: delete the message, reply to the sender after deleting the message or play the message again. There actually are one more choice. If just a number sign is sent, the operation is aborted and the user is sent back to the main menu. The message will not be marked as read.

To play the next stored message do the same procedure again starting with command 1#.

Checking for new voice mails

Users having new voice mails in their inbox will normally be announced at the time of a long identification. This is by default once every hour. Manually checking if there are any new voice mails for a user can be done without activating the module first. Just send 3<user id># (e.g. 3123#) to announce this.

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