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Tobias Blomberg edited this page Jun 29, 2014 · 1 revision

SvxLink is the name of a project that develop a number of applications where the two main ones are SvxLink Server and Qtel. SvxLink Server is sometimes also referred to as just SvxLink. SvxLink Server implement a general purpose voice services system for ham radio use. One of the most used voice services is EchoLink. Qtel is a desktop application for making EchoLink connections.


The SvxLink project was started in 2003 to bring good EchoLink support to Linux. Qtel was the first application written. When Qtel had the basic functionality for having EchoLink QSO:s from the desktop I wanted to be able to connect a transceiver as well. Rather than implementing this in Qtel I started the development of a new daemon application. A pure link should not need a GUI. One six months later the first version of SvxLink Server was released.

What started out as an EchoLink application for Linux grew into a platform to build voice services on. Today, EchoLink is just one of the available services. The SvxLink Server core know nothing about EchoLink. Other ham IP phone systems should also be able to integrate like IRLP, eQSO or even SIP. Voice services are not limited to just IP phone applications. They can do pretty much anything. Examples of other voice services are: ModuleHelp - a help system, ModuleParrot - Repeat what you say, ModuleTclVoiceMail - A simple voice mail system. More services are under development like ModulePropagationMonitor - Announce propagation alerts as received from, ModuleMetarInfo - Read back METAR weather information. There are even some third party services available.

As if that was not enough, SvxLink Server also have a built in full featured repeater controller and support for multiple receivers using a software voter. Remote receivers can be connected through TCP/IP or though RF. Remote transmitters linked via TCP/IP is also supported. Have a look at the FeatureList for a full list of features.

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