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Tobias Steiner edited this page Aug 8, 2023 · 3 revisions

The Contributors page will display the contributors all users have access to. In the Thoth backend, Contributor details are shared across all publishers using Thoth to avoid duplication of entries e.g. when authors have published with multiple publishers.

The following information is displayed:

Column Name Content
ID Unique primary key
FullName Full Name
UpdatedAt Date/time of most recent update

Clicking on any record allows you to edit it. Save the record by clicking Save.

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Any Works contributed to by the contributor are displayed in a blue box.

Given Name (mandatory)

The given or first name(s) of the contributor.

Family Name (mandatory)

The family or surname of the contributor.

Full Name (mandatory)

The full, serialized name of the contributor. Serialization is often culturally determined.


The contributor's ORCID number.


The URL of the contributor's website. Preface with http:// or https://.

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