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Brendan O'Connell edited this page Mar 4, 2025 · 10 revisions

The Publications page will display the Publications the user has access to. The following information is displayed:

Column Name Content
ID Unique primary key
Work Title Title of the Work the Publication belongs to
Work DOI DOI of the Work the Publication belongs to
Publisher Name of the Publisher
Type Publication Type
ISBN Publication ISBN
URL Publication URL
UpdatedAt Date/time of most recent update

Clicking on any record allows you to edit it. Save the record by clicking Save.

Edit publication

Publication Type, Publication ISBN, and Publication URL are determined when creating a specific Publication under a Work record.


Click Add Location to add a new location.

Landing Page

The landing page is the human-readable URL on which the Publication can be accessed.

Full Text URL

The Full Text URL is the direct link to the full text file. Optional.

Location Platform

Select the platform on which the publication is hosted. The following options are currently available:

  • Project MUSE
  • DOAB
  • EBSCO Host
  • Proquest KB
  • Proquest ExLibris
  • Jisc KB
  • Google Books
  • Internet Archive
  • Science Open
  • SciELO Books
  • Zenodo
  • Publisher Website
  • Thoth - use only for publications hosted on Thoth File Hosting
  • Other


Indicate whether this is the canonical location for this specific publication. For print books this may be the main platform on which the book is sold, for ebooks the official version of record hosted on the publisher's own server, or Thoth File Hosting.


Click Add Price to add a new price.

Price Code

Select a currency code from the dropdown list. For the international standard three-letter alphabetic code used to denominate currencies, download the ISO 4217 code list (CSV or XML file) its maintenance agency, the Six Group. Use the alphabetic, not the numeric, codes.

Unit Price

The price of the publication in the selected currency.

Generating a publication URL

FAQ: I have the publication file to enter into Thoth but no publication URL. How can I generate a publication URL?

If you are a Thoth Plus publisher, Thoth Hosting is included as free file hosting service, which will allow you to generate publication URLs.

If you are not a Thoth Plus publisher and you do not have a publication URL yet upon entering metadata into Thoth you can freely generate one via one of the following two options. Once your metadata and book/chapter is live on a third-party hosting platform additional publication URLs can be added within Thoth.


You can upload the publication file to Dropbox, resulting in a unique publication URL which can be entered into the 'Publication URL' field within Thoth which can be further disseminated to third-parties.


You can upload the publication file to Zenodo, resulting in a unique publication URL which can be entered as the 'Publication URL' within Thoth which can be further disseminated to third-parties. Zenodo also generates a DOI for all of its records. An example of how another OA book publisher works with Zenodo can be found here.

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