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Szaby Grünwald edited this page Jun 17, 2013 · 1 revision

The user settings Plugin gives the user the possibility to control which widgets to show by their type. Each implemented widget has a type (e.g. DBPediaInfoWidget, GeonamesMapWidget, etc.) Activating the user settings panel, the user can deactivate specific widget types.

The main way to activate the user settings panel is through clicking on the button with the wheel beside the volume control. if the plugin parameter permanentWidget is set to true, a widget is also rendered that's active throughout the entire video. This way the user has also access to the user settings on a remote controled TV device which has the entire timeline area disabled.


  • permanentWidget: True or false, defining wheather or not a widget has to be rendered to activate the user settings dialog.
  • unhidable: Array of widget types that cannot be disabled. This can be used to implement advertisement kinds of widgets that the user cannot hide.
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