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Video library wrapper

Szaby Grünwald edited this page Feb 18, 2013 · 3 revisions

The video library renders a video player that provides a unified experience on all supported browsers, selecting the best fitting media stream (locator), fullscreen function, etc. All player libraries have a slightly different way to access their API. For being able to communicate to the player in the same way (and making it possible to use different kinds of players) we decided to wrap the the player in a slim player object with the necessary API features.

For a reference with the VideoJS wrapper, see the file.

When the Lime player gets instantiated we call the LIMEPlayer.VideoPlayerInit method

When the Lime player gets instantiated, it calls the VideoPlayerInit method with the three parameters (domElement, optionsHash, callback) and waits for the callback to be called with the instantiated video player.

Following the CommonJS best-practice way of implementing callback method, the callback parameter method expects two parameters: (error, player). If no error happened, the first parameter should be null. The second parameter is the player object with the following features:

The player object features


  • player.isFullscreen(): returns boolean Returns whether the player is in full screen mode.
  • void Starts to play at the current position.
  • player.pause(): void Pauses the video.
  • player.getLength(): number Returns the length of the video in seconds.
  • void Jumps to the position position (in seconds).
  • player.currentTime(): number Returns the current time position in the video.
  • player.currentSource(): string Returns the uri of the stream that is being played.


The Lime player uses

  • `

DOM element references

  • player.videoOverlay is a reference to the DOM element exactly over the video element. This element has to be visible and resized automatically in case the video would be resized or switched to full screen mode.
  • player.timelineOverlay is a reference to the DOM element over the timeline where the player head is moving. If for example the player hides the timeline while playing, this element should be hidden as well and showed when the player shows the timeline again.
  • player.buttonContainer is a reference to the DOM element of additional switches for the case that a plugin would need a switch or push button.