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Branch Status

Sunil Bhaskarla edited this page Sep 17, 2018 · 23 revisions

Active Branches

Owner Date Created Branch Comments
Moore 2017.03.17 feature/xcai-orchestration To test an Imaging Document Consumer in XCA-I. No code has been integrated into develop or master.
Moore 2017.12.06 bugfix/imaging-342 Created for this specific bug. Need to confirm the fix has been pulled over into master.
Moore 2018.06.14 feature/cipher-handshake-failure Catch and report exception for TLS handshake errors.

Branches To Be Deleted

These are branches that have probably outlived their usefulness. They are listed here and should be reviewed to determine if they should actually be deleted and/or merged back in.

Reporter Date Reported Branch Comments
Moore 2018.05.10 bugfix/imaging-documentation I suspect all of the changes have been brought over. As this was labelled a documentation branch, we would lose no imaging features. I think you can review NIST changes and decide if this can be deleted.
Moore 2018.05.10 bugfix/radiology-codes I see no recent activity in here for radiology codes. I suspect this branch was overtaken by the events of the spring 2018 code cleanup.
Moore 2018.05.10 bugfix/wustl Last WUSTL commits were 1/9/2017.
Moore 2018.05.10 feature/addIDCSim Comment from Bill 3/9/2016: Closing branch
Moore 2018.05.10 feature/EdgeSupport Last WUSTL commits were 3/28/2016
Moore 2018.05.10 feature/fhir-codes Was created Dec 2017 to try to get codes into January 2018 Connectathon. That did not happen. Has been overtaken by March 2018 work.
Moore 2018.05.10 feature/imaging-test-documentation Last WUSTL commits were 1/11/2017

Branches To Be Merged

Owner Date Status From Branch To Branch Comments
Steve 2018.06.14 Waiting feature/cipher-handshake-failure develop Catch and report exception for TLS handshake errors.
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