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Pull Request

timmwille edited this page Mar 31, 2023 · 3 revisions

Since no changes can be made directly in the main branch, a branch must always be created or an existing branch must be used. The changes can then be transferred to the main branch using a pull request!

Note: keep in mind, in case you do not exactly know where to edit:

Fork fist, edit and then send your Pull Request back!

We recommend that the person who changed the content creates a pull request and another person performs the pull request after review. This way, the other person can double check the content that was changed before it gets to the main branch or the website. We call this review.

For more details regarding the Branches and Workflow: Git Workflow

To create a pull request, the following steps must be taken.

1. changes in a branch have been saved

When all the desired changes have been made and saved in a Branch e.g. Content-Branch, a Pull Request can be created.

2. Go to the Pull Request section

To do this, click on the Pull Request tab.


3. create a new pull request

Click on the "New" button to create a new Pull Request.


4. select branches for the pull request

Now you need to select a source and target branch. The target branch should always be "Main", so only the source branch needs to be selected. In this case "Content".

select-source-branch_1 select-source-branch_2

5. technical check of the merge

If it says "Able to merge", the check was successful that the pull request will be performed technically. However, this does not mean whether the content is correct, that must be checked by a human! Now the pull request can be created.


6. create title, description and select reviewer

If only one change is to be transferred, the title of the last commit is automatically used. Now you can write a description for the pull request (optional). We recommend that you select another reviewer to review the contents before they are finally transferred to the main branch (merge).


7. merge pull request (last step before content is transferred)

The content can now be transferred from the desired branch, e.g. Content, to the Main Branch. Please check all changes again in this step, because this cannot be undone!

merge-pull-request confirm-merge

8. congratulations! The pull request has been successfully executed

Now the changes will be applied to the Main Branch and the website will be updated automatically.
