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MikhailTymchukDX edited this page Apr 29, 2016 · 2 revisions

DropDownExtender (demo)

DropDown is an ASP.NET AJAX extender that can be attached almost to any ASP.NET control to provide a SharePoint-style drop-down menu.


Name Description
DropArrowBackColor An arrow's background color.
DropArrowImageUrl An arrow's image URL.
DropArrowWidth Arrow width.
DropDownControlID A ID of a control that will be displayed as a dropdown.
HighlightBackColor Highlight background color.
HighlightBorderColor Highlight border color.
OnClientPopulated The populated event
OnClientPopulating The populating event
OnClientPopup The popup event
OnHide OnHide animation will be played each time the dropdown is hidden.
OnShow OnShow animation will be played each time the dropdown is displayed. The dropdown will be positioned correctly but hidden. Animation can be used to display the dropdown with other visual effects.

Client properties

Name Description
dropArrowBackgroundColor The arrow's background color of the DropDown control.
dropArrowImageUrl The arrow image URL of the DropDown control.
dropArrowWidth The arrow width of the DropDown control.
dropDownControl A drop-down control.
highlightBackgroundColor The highlighted background color of the DropDown control.
highlightBorderColor TThe highlighted border color of the DropDown control.
isOpen A Boolean value that specifies whether the DropDown control is open.
isOver A Boolean value that specifies whether or not the cursor is over the DropDown control.
onHide A JSON definition of a generic OnHide animation.
onHideBehavior The Sys.Extended.UI.Animation.GenericAnimationBehavior object containing the generic OnHide animation behavior.
onShow A JSON definition of a generic OnShow animation.
onShowBehavior The Sys.Extended.UI.Animation.GenericAnimationBehavior object containing the generic OnShow animation behavior.

Client methods

Name Description
hide() Hides a drop-down list.
onHide() Play OnHide animation.
onShow() Plays OnShow animation.
show() Shows a drop-down list.

Client events

Name Description
hidden Fires after the control is hidden.
hiding Fires when the control is being hidden.
hoverOut Fires on hovering out of the control.
hoverOver Fires on hovering over the control.
popup Fires when the popup is shown.
showing Fires when the control is being shown.
shown Fires after the control is shown.

Client properties


A JSON definition of a generic OnShow animation.

Getter name: get_onShow()
Setter name: set_onShow(value)


The Sys.Extended.UI.Animation.GenericAnimationBehavior object containing the generic OnShow animation behavior.

Getter name: get_onShowBehaior()


A JSON definition of a generic OnHide animation.

Getter name: get_onHide()
Setter name: set_onHide(value)


The Sys.Extended.UI.Animation.GenericAnimationBehavior object containing the generic OnHide animation behavior.

Getter name: get_onHideBehavior()


A drop-down control.

Getter name: get_dropDownControl()
Setter name: set_dropDownControl(value)


TThe highlighted border color of the DropDown control.

Getter name: get_highlightBorderColor()
Setter name: set_highlightBorderColor(value)


The highlighted background color of the DropDown control.

Getter name: get_highlightBackgroundColor()
Setter name: set_highlightBackgroundColor(value)


The arrow's background color of the DropDown control.

Getter name: get_dropArrowBackgroundColor()
Setter name: set_dropArrowBackgroundColor(value)


The arrow image URL of the DropDown control.

Getter name: get_dropArrowImageUrl()
Setter name: set_dropArrowImageUrl(value)


The arrow width of the DropDown control.

Getter name: get_dropArrowWidth()
Setter name: set_dropArrowWidth(value)


A Boolean value that specifies whether or not the cursor is over the DropDown control.

Getter name: get_isOver()


A Boolean value that specifies whether the DropDown control is open.

Getter name: get_isOpen()

Client methods


Shows a drop-down list.


Hides a drop-down list.


Plays OnShow animation.


Play OnHide animation.

Client events


Fires when the control is being shown.

Add event handler method: add_showing(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_showing(handler)
Raise event method: raise_showing()


Fires after the control is shown.

Add event handler method: add_shown(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_shown(handler)
Raise event method: raise_shown()


Fires when the popup is shown.

Add event handler method: add_popup(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_popup(handler)
Raise event method: raise_popup()


Fires when the control is being hidden.

Add event handler method: add_hiding(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_hiding(handler)
Raise event method: raise_hiding()


Fires after the control is hidden.

Add event handler method: add_hidden(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_hidden(handler)
Raise event method: raise_hidden()


Fires on hovering over the control.

Add event handler method: add_hoverOver(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_hoverOver(handler)
Raise event method: raise_hoverOver()


Fires on hovering out of the control.

Add event handler method: add_hoverOut(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_hoverOut(handler)
Raise event method: raise_hoverOut()

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